Slice & print
web application for Raspberry to upload stl -->check-->create gcode ???--->print. Currently no print
what i use:
- Admesh (this git contain source code of this because i make little modified code)
- Cura_engine (contain Bin but for new bin compile lastes from
- Python cgi
Is very early version...need work too much:
- On webpage (take nice graph and add value check)
- Cgi script (real time log from admesh and cura...)
- Send directly gcode for print software.....i want use 5dprint because i hope earlier have a Makibox at home :)
Preset work but need configure fine file (no have a 3d printer and no have possible to set it :D )
Thanks too much at:
Ulimaker and David from great cura... and thanks for cura-engine it work very fine on Raspberry pi
[email protected] for ADMesh
Thanks at all and any suggesition or help are welcome!
[email protected]
how start it
Use the console to go in Slice_n_print directory and run the following commands:
sudo cp Shape_service /etc/init.d/service_slicee
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/service_slice
sudo update-rc.d service_slice defaults
Now every time the Rarpberry pi is started it also runs a simple python cgi webserver on port 7001
If you do not want reboot the Raspberry Pi you can run the server with this command:
./etc/init.d/Sservice_slice start
or likewise you can stop it with this one:
./etc/init.d/service_slice stop
Now open your browser and play