关注主页公众号(only security),回复log4j2burpscanner
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
how to use? releases download the latest plugin
default dnslog https://dns.xn--9tr.com/ github: DNSLog-Platform-Golang
1.fix bugs
- Adapt the selistener tool for intranet vulnerability detection
- set normal payload as preferred
- add the vulnerability display of payload containing variables
- optimize the problem of not displaying vulnerability points
- fix problem
- add
- add
- change the path to full spelling
- delete
,change to custom param
1.add polling dnslog query including active scanning and passive scanning
1.Send to log4j2 Scanner
the bypass payload of jndi:
is used for testing. at now it includes the following three typesj${::-n}di:
、 jn${env::-}di:
1.add passive switch log4j2 Passive Scanner
,add log4j2 Scanner menu button Send to log4j2 Scanner
2.update payload param,add random character string,distinguish between the same site and the same path, optimization %20
3.recognize multipart/form-data
fix parameter issue for creating initial properties
1.change the UI page
2.add isip param(for the case that there is no domain name and only IP detection in the intranet) but this kind of test has no parameter point digital ID and no host
If there are no other good intranet dnslog tools to replace, you can link the tools of KpLi0rn https://github.com/KpLi0rn/Log4j2Scan
1.add dnsldaprmi param (dns、ldap、rmi) default dns
2.add isContenttypeRefererOrigin param 、isAccept param
isContenttypeRefererOrigin param(whether test Content-Type、Referer、Origin)default off
isAccept param(whether test Accept-Language、Accept、Accept-Encoding)default off
3.add bypass jndi:
,but the effect is not good,use with caution
bypass methods https://twitter.com/ymzkei5/status/1469765165348704256
- jn${env::-}di:
- jn${date:}di${date:':'}
- j${k8s:k5:-ND}i${sd:k5:-:}
- j${main:\k5:-Nd}i${spring:k5:-:}
- j${sys:k5:-nD}${lower:i${web:k5:-:}}
- j${::-nD}i${::-:}
- j${EnV:K5:-nD}i:
- j${loWer:Nd}i${uPper::}
4.add log.xn--9tr.com
to the white list
1.add bypass rc1,add space to the payload
2.more accurate
3.add Intranet dnslog api,can customize the ceye.io api or other apis,including internal networks
Param 1:isprivatedns(whether to use private dns api)
Param 2:privatednslogurl(internal dnslog address)
Param 3:privatednslogurl(internal dnslog response address)
4.add controllable params to control the payload
Param 4:isuseUserAgenttokenXff(whether test User-agent、token、X-Forward-for、X-Client-IP) default on
Param 5:isuseXfflists(whether test xff lists,including others xff)default off
Param 6:isuseAllCookie(whether test all cookie)default on
0x01 More accurate
0x02 Add Intranet dnslog api,can customize the ceye.io api or other apis,including internal networks
Since I don't have an intranet dnslog address,here I use ceye.io to test
Just ensure the connectivity between intranet and Intranet dnslog address, intranet and dnslog response address
0x03 Add controllable params to control the payload
Fix problem: Due to the vulnerability of the sub domain name, the primary domain name will also report the vulnerability
1.add request headers
["X-Forwarded-For","X-Forwarded","Forwarded-For","Forwarded","X-Requested-With","X-Requested-With", "X-Forwarded-Host","X-remote-IP","X-remote-addr","True-Client-IP","X-Client-IP","Client-IP","X-Real-IP","Ali-CDN-Real-IP","Cdn-Src-Ip","Cdn-Real-Ip","CF-Connecting-IP","X-Cluster-Client-IP","WL-Proxy-Client-IP", "Proxy-Client-IP","Fastly-Client-Ip","True-Client-Ip","X-Originating-IP", "X-Host","X-Custom-IP-Authorization","X-original-host","If-Modified-Since"]
1.add recognizable format
2.add ceye.io api(https://ceye.io),can customize the ceye API,click the button to save configuration,the Extender output page will be display the results such as "Save Success!".Remember to set isceye property to true,otherwise ceye will fail
3.more accurate(hostName + path)
Fix problem: windows path problem
CVE-2021-44228,log4j2 RCE Burp Suite Passive Scanner,and u can customize the ceye.io api or other apis,including internal networks
Two SRC(Security Response Center) sites were tested
After loading,a url will appear,access it to see the dnslog request,of course,the plugin has its own DNS check record,this is only for the convenience of subsequent viewing
Plug ins mainly identify seven forms:
1.get method,a=1&b=2&c=3
2.post method,a=1&b=2&c=3
3.post method,{“a”:”1”,”b”:”22222”}
4.post method,a=1¶m={“a”:”1”,”b”:”22222”}
5.post method,{"params":{"a":"1","b":"22222"}}
6.post method,body={"a":"1","b":"22222"}
7.post method,body={"params":{"a":"1","b":"22222"}}
if u need to test in the repeater
open dashbord→Live passive crawl from Proxy and Repeater→tick repeater
open dashbord→Live audit from Proxy and Repeater→tick repeater
This tool is only for learning, research and self-examination. It should not be used for illegal purposes. All risks arising from the use of this tool have nothing to do with me!