WhatMovie is a website that provides information about all the movies that have been or will be released. You can search for your favorite movie by writing the name of the movie in the search
section, you can also find movies by category
, trending
, and others. You can also see detailed information for each movie, some of the information contained in it such as rating, release date, overview, and also the video trailer.
This website was built using several technologies in it, including:
This website uses the API of themoviedb.org, and of course requires api-key
so that the API on this website can run. You can register first at themoviedb.org to get api-key
. After getting the api key, you can enter the api-key
in the env
NEXT_PUBLIC_KEY="api_key=<your api_key>&language=en-US"
# <your api_key> replaced with your own api-key
If you want to try to do the development process, make sure your device has installed nodejs.
You can download this repository by clicking Code
at the top, then selecting Download ZIP
or if you want to clone this repository you can do this by
git clone https://github.com/fajarhidayatt/whatmovie.git
After that, install all the packages / dependencies contained in this project
npm install
Then run the development server
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in the browser you are using to see the results.
You can see a demo of this website at jarh-whatmovie.vercel.app