WARNING: This module has serious bugs and does not produce reliable metrics at the moment. While I hope I can find the time to fix it soon, I'd rather people not waste their time trying to install and use it when the results won't be usable in a production environment.
This module exposes FreeSWITCH metrics for scraping by Prometheus.
mod_prometheus is built upon FreeSWITCH Rust bindings.
Installation instructions:
# Check for and install the Rust compiler $ rustc -V || curl -sSf https://static.rust-lang.org/rustup.sh | sh # Clone the project and build it: $ git clone https://github.com/moises-silva/mod_prometheus.git $ cd mod_prometheus $ cargo build # Copy the module to your FreeSWITCH modules directory: $ sudo cp target/debug/libmod_prometheus.so `fs_cli -x 'global_getvar mod_dir'`/mod_prometheus.so # Load the module: $ fs_cli -x 'load mod_prometheus' # Make sure it's loaded and listening to TCP port 9282 $ fs_cli -x 'module_exists mod_prometheus' true $ netstat -nl | grep 9282 tcp 0 0* LISTEN # For auto-load the module add this line at the end of your modules.conf $ sudo vi /etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml <load module="mod_prometheus"/>
Now you can access your host at port 9282 to check your metrics:
$ curl
The /metrics url path is not required but it could be required in the future as it's recommended by the Prometheus guidelines.
These are the metrics provided by default:
freeswitch_heartbeats_total freeswitch_registration_attempts_total freeswitch_registration_failures_total freeswitch_registrations_total freeswitch_sessions_total freeswitch_sessions_answered_total freeswitch_sessions_failed_total freeswitch_sessions_inbound_total freeswitch_sessions_inbound_answered_total freeswitch_sessions_inbound_failed_total freeswitch_sessions_outbound_total freeswitch_sessions_outbound_answered_total freeswitch_sessions_outbound_failed_total
freeswitch_sessions_active freeswitch_sessions_asr freeswitch_registrations_active
You can also use FreeSWITCH ESL APIs to create your own counters or gauges:
fscli> prom_counter_increment my_counter fscli> prom_counter_increment my_counter 100 fscli> prom_gauge_set my_gauge 500 fscli> prom_gauge_increment my_gauge fscli> prom_gauge_decrement my_gauge 2
As all FreeSWITCH APIs, these functions can be used from the XML dialplan or the command line.