FSEvents allows an application to monitor a whole file system or portion of it. FSEvents is only available on macOS.
Godoc: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/fsnotify/fsevents
Warning: This API should be considered unstable.
Known caveats of the macOS FSEvents API which this package uses under the hood:
FSEvents returns events for the named path only, so unless you want to follow updates to a symlink itself (unlikely), you should use
to get the target path to watch. -
There is an internal macOS limitation of 4096 watched paths. Watching more paths will result in an error calling
. Note that FSEvents is intended to be a recursive watcher by design, it is actually more efficient to watch the containing path than each file in a large directory.
FSEvents is currently not well maintained or well tested. Patches will generally get merged if there's a decent signal they're correct. Merely "it compiles" it not enough, because so much of this relies on runtime behaviour. Either a new test should be added, or patches should be tested manually.
Support for test scripts akin to ones in fsnotify have been added.
All the scripts are in the testdata
folder, and test can be ran individually
using the pattern:
go test -run TestScript/<path to test script file>
Scripts are written using a simple DSL which runs a few available shell commands, and also allows setting/unsetting the watcher, as well as verifying the output.
Available commands:
watch path [ops] # Watch the path, reporting events for it. Nothing is
# watched by default.
unwatch path # Stop watching the path.
watchlist n # Assert watchlist length.
stop # Stop running the script; for debugging.
touch path
mkdir [-p] dir
ln -s target link # Only ln -s supported.
mv src dst
rm [-r] path
chmod mode path # Octal only
sleep time-in-ms
cat path # Read path (does nothing with the data; just reads it).
echo str >>path # Append "str" to "path".
echo str >path # Truncate "path" and write "str".
Output can be verified in the scripts using the events and event flags emitted
by FSEvents. Assertions are defined in the Output
section of the test script.
All the flags in test script assertions are equivalent to the ones defined in
with the type EventFlags.
The output section format:
# Comment
EventFlag1|EventFlag2 path # Comment
For those new to FSEvents itself (the Apple technology), here's a really quick primer:
Introduced in macOS v10.5, File System Events is made up of three parts:
- kernel code that passes raw event data to user space through a special device
- a daemon that filters this stream and sends notifications
- a database that stores a record of all changes
The API provides access to this system allowing applications to be notified of changes to directory hierarchies, and also to retrieve a history of changes. File System Events are path / file name based, not file descriptor based. This means that if you watch a directory (path) and it is moved elsewhere your watch does not automatically move with it.
The API uses the concept of a Stream (FSEventStream) which is a configurable stream of notifications. A Stream can recursively monitor many directories. Options like latency which allow the coalescing of events are specific to one stream.
The database kept by the File System Events API allow a program that is run
periodically to check for changes to the file system between runs. This has a
real impact on the API and why there are parameters like since
. This feature
should be considered advisory according to Apple's docs - a full scan should
still be run periodically. If an older version of macOS modifies the file system
(say, by removing the drive and putting it in another computer) it would not
update the database.
The since
parameter must be an EventID for the host or device that the stream
is for (or the special ALL or NOW values).
To discover the EventID at a specific time the function LastEventBefore
can be
used (calls FSEventsGetLastEventIdForDeviceBeforeTime
); provide dev==0 for a
host EventID. Current() (calls FSEventsGetCurrentEventId) returns the most
recent EventID.
A Host Stream (dev == 0) can monitor directories through the entire system (assuming appropriate permissions). EventIDs increase across all devices (i.e. an older event on any device has a smaller EventID than a newer one except when EventID's rollover). This means that if another disk is added / mounted then there is the potential for a historical EventID conflict.
A Device Stream (pass a Device
to New
) can monitor directories only on the
given device. Because the EventIDs refer only to that device there is no chance
of conflict.
For real-time monitoring there aren't any notable advantages to a Device Stream over a Host stream. For persistent monitoring (run a program today to see what changed yesterday) Device Streams are more robust since there can be no EventID conflict.
Is macOS v10.7 Apple introduced File Events (kFSEventStreamCreateFlagFileEvents aka CF_FILEEVENTS). Prior to this events are delivered for directories only, i.e. if /tmp/subdir/testfile is modified and an FSEventStream is monitoring /tmp then an event would be delivered for the path /tmp/subdir. This tells the application that it should scan /tmp/subdir for changes. It was also possible (in corner cases) that an event for the path /tmp could be created with MUSTSCANSUBDIRS set. This should only happen if events are being dropped, and had to be coalesced to prevent the loss of information.
With CF_FILEEVENTS set (>= macOS v10.7) events are generated with the path specifying the individual files that have been modified. I haven't found explicit mention, but it seems likely that the same caveats apply with respect to coalescing if events are being dropped.
Apple warns that using File Events will cause many more events to be generated (in part, I expect, because they don't coalesce as easily as directory-level events).
If two files in the same directory are changed in a short period of time (e.g.
/tmp/test1 and /tmp/test2) (assuming CF_FILEEVENTS=0) a single event could be
delivered to the application specifying that the path /tmp
contains changes.
There is an efficiency boost when scanning /tmp only once looking for all
changes versus scanning it once for test1 and once for test2. The latency
parameter enables this kind of temporal coalescing. If latency
is set to, say,
1 second then the application will not be notified more than once a second about
changes. The flag kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNoDefer aka CF_NODEFER specifies
whether the application is notified on the leading or lagging edge of changes.
encapsulates an FSEventStream, and allows an arbitrary number of
paths to be monitored.
For real-time monitoring an EventStream is created with Resume
== false
This means it will not deliver historical events. If Resume
== true
then all
recorded events for the supplied paths since EventId
would be supplied first,
then realtime events would be supplied as they occur.
The Latency
parameter is passed on to the API, and used to throttle / coalesce
events - '0' means deliver all events.
can be used to create streams specific to a device, (See Device Streams
vs Host Streams). Use '0' to create a host stream.
Instantiating an EventStream
just allocates memory to store the
configuration of the stream. Calling EventStream.Start
creates the
FSEventStream, and a channel that will be used to report events
(unless one has already been supplied). The EventStream is
stored (via an unsafe.Pointer) in the FSEventStream context (so the OS callback
has access to it).
In macOS an application must run a RunLoop (see: [Run Loop Management][https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/RunLoopManagement/RunLoopManagement.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000057i-CH16-SW1]) for each thread that wishes to receive events from the operating system.
An FSEventStream needs to be started, and must be supplied with a Runloop reference to deliver events to.
To accomplish this EventStream.Start
creates a goroutine that calls
CFRunLoopRun(). The call in to CFRunLoopRun does not return until the runloop is
stopped by EventStream.Stop
. I believe that the current implementation will
work correctly because of the following:
There is a many->one mapping from goroutines to os threads (i.e. goroutines do not switch os-threads).
The os thread that runs the Run Loop will not be available for other goroutines because CFRunLoopRun does not return.
This therefore means that each call to
will consume an OS thread until the runloop is stopped byEventStream.Stop
calling CFRunLoopStop. Each Stream will get it's own Run Loop (on it's own OS thread).
The File System Events API causes a C-callback to be called by delivering an
event. The callback extracts / converts the supplied data then posts an array of
s on the channel EventStream.Events
. The EventStream
is stored in the
context parameter of the FSEventStream (supplied back to the callback by the
File System Events API).
stops and invalidates the stream (as per the File System
Events API requirements), then releases the Stream memory, and stops the runloop
that was started by EventStream.Start
. This returns the EventStream
(almost) the same state as before EventStream.Start
was called. The difference
is that EventStream.EventID
is now set to the last event ID received before
the stream was stopped, and EventStream.Events
will now reference an
instantiated channel (it may have been nil before the call to
manages some OS resources (an OS thread, an FSEventStream, an OS
runloop, etc). If the EventStream
is garbage collected without the being
stopped then a panic is likely. This is caused by an FSEventStream callback
attempting to reference the EventStream
via an unsafe.Pointer
. To guard
against this situation a finalizer is attached to the EventStream
when it is
started. When the finalizer triggers (through GC of the EventStream
) it stops
the stream so that the OS resources can be freed. This prevents the panic.