a SFTP client for node.js, a wrapper for ssh2
npm install ssh2-sftp-client
let Client = require('ssh2-sftp-client');
let sftp = new Client();
host: '',
port: '8080',
username: 'username',
password: '******'
}).then(() => {
return sftp.list('/pathname');
}).then((data) => {
console.log(data, 'the data info');
}).catch((err) => {
console.log(err, 'catch error');
the connection to server config pls see ssh2 client event.
list of methods: all the methods will return a Promise;
Retrieves a directory listing.
directory info:
type: // file type(-, d, l)
name: // file name
size: // file size
modifyTime: // file timestamp of modified time
accessTime: // file timestamp of access time
rights: {
owner: // user ID
group: // group ID
Get a Chunk from remotePath. The encoding is passed to Node Stream (https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html) and it controls how the content is encoded. For example, when downloading binary data, 'null' should be passed (check node stream documentation). Default to 'utf8'.
Before V3.0.0,
method will return new readable stream from remotePath.
sftp.get(remoteFilePath, [useCompression], [encoding], [addtionalOptions]);
Downloads a file at remotePath to localPath using parallel reads for faster throughput. options properties you can find fastGet
method here.
sftp.fastGet(remotePath, localPath, [options]);
upload a file from localPath
or Buffer
, Stream
data to remoteFilePath
.The encoding is passed to Node Stream to control how the content is encoded. Default to 'utf8'.
sftp.put(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, [useCompression], [encoding], [addtionalOptions]);
sftp.put(Buffer, remoteFilePath, [useCompression], [encoding], [addtionalOptions]);
sftp.put(Stream, remoteFilePath, [useCompression], [encoding], [addtionalOptions]);
Uploads a file from localPath to remotePath using parallel reads for faster throughput. options properties you can find fastPut
method here.
sftp.fastPut(localPath, remotePath, [options]);
create a new directory.
// recursive default is false, if true, it will create directory recursive
sftp.mkdir(remoteFilePath, recursive);
remove the directory or file.
// recursive default is false, if true, it will remove directory recursive even if is not empty
sftp.rmdir(localPath, recursive);
delete file.
rename remoteSourcePath to remoteDestPath (removes remoteSourcePath).
sftp.rename(remoteSourcePath, remoteDestPath);
modify rights to remoteDestPath file
sftp.chmod(remoteDestPath, mode);
connection config you will see here
close the sftp connection. when you need it, you can call it in then()
or catch()
add client event handle. you can find more here
The socket was closed. hadError is set to true if this was due to error.
sftp.on('close', callbackFn)
The socket was disconnected.
sftp.on('end', callbackFn)
An error occurred. A 'level' property indicates 'client-socket' for socket-level errors and 'client-ssh' for SSH disconnection messages. In the case of 'client-ssh' messages, there may be a 'description' property that provides more detail.
sftp.on('error', callbackFn)
- add `fastGet` and `fastPut` method.
- change: `sftp.get` will return chunk not stream anymore
- fix: get readable not emitting data events in node 10.0.0
- add: event listener. [doc](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client#Event)
- add: `get` or `put` method add extra options [pr#52](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client/pull/52)
- add: `chmod` method [pr#33](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client/pull/33)
- update: upgrade ssh2 to V0.5.0 [pr#30](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client/pull/30)
- fix: get method stream error reject unwork [#22](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client/issues/22)
- fix: return Error object on promise rejection [pr#20](https://github.com/jyu213/ssh2-sftp-client/pull/20)
- fix: add encoding control support for binary stream
- fix: multi image upload
- change: remove `this.client.sftp` to `connect` function