Solarized for Emacs is an Emacs port of the Solarized theme for vim, developed by Ethan Schoonover.
Solarized for Emacs is tested only under Emacs 24, but should be
working under Emacs 23 as well. The theme is implemented in terms of
customizations and deftheme
and does not require the
Solarized for Emacs is already bundled into
Emacs Prelude. If you're a
Prelude user, just do a M-x load-theme
and pick either
solarized-dark or solarized-light.
Download solarized-theme.el
, solarized-dark-theme.el
Place solarized-theme.el
is a folder that's on your Emacs' load-path
Afterward place solarized-dark-theme.el
in ~/.emacs.d/themes
(or some other
folder if you prefer so). Add this your
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes")
Now you can load the theme with the interactive function load-theme
Solarized for Emacs is available for installation via the Marmalade repo:
M-x package-install solarized-theme
Afterwards - business as usual, just load one of the theme variants
with M-x load-theme
Please, report any problems that you find on the projects integrated issue tracker. If you've added some improvements and you want them included upstream don't hesitate to send me a patch or even better - a GitHub pull request.
(Add yourself to the list)