Titanium Mobile Windows is the Titanium platform support for the Microsoft Windows 8.1 Store and Phone platforms.
Step 1. Install Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (or higher) - Community, Professional, Premium or Ultimate. Not Express. Currently Visual Studio 2015 is not supported [AC-290].
Step 2. Install the Windows Phone 8.1 emulators. Note that this can be done through Visual Studio 2013 as well.
Step 3. Install Node.
Step 4. Install latest Titanium CLI
npm -g install git://github.com/appcelerator/titanium.git
ti sdk install -b master -d
If you are planning to develop TitaniumKit, set up module development environment with following steps.
Step 5.
git clone https://github.com/appcelerator/titanium_mobile_windows.git
cd titanium_mobile_windows
git submodule init
git submodule update
Step 6. Run the setup.js Node script included in this repository in cmd.exe or Powershell:
cd Tools\Scripts
npm install .
node setup.js
The script should download any necessary development libraries and set the appropriate environment variables for you. Restart your command prompt, then you may proceed to the TitaniumKit Development section to generate an example app to use as a development base.
If you are planning to develop TitaniumKit, set up module development environment with following steps.
Step 1. Install Xcode 6
Step 2. Install cmake using either sudo port install cmake
or sudo brew install cmake
Step 3. Install boost using either sudo port install boost
or sudo brew install boost
Step 4. Download our pre-compiled version of Google Test gtest-1.7.0-osx.zip (3 MB), unzip anywhere (the location doesn't matter) and set the environment variable GTEST_ROOT to where you unzipped it.
Just run the following commands from your bash prompt to setup your development environment for Google Test before proceeding:
$ curl -O http://timobile.appcelerator.com.s3.amazonaws.com/gtest-1.7.0-osx.zip
$ unzip gtest-1.7.0-osx.zip
Please note that while you may do HAL and TitaniumKit builds and development work on the mac, you will not be able to do any Windows Platform development or generate apps/examples (as documented in TitaniumKit Development).
ti create -p windows -t app
ti build --platform windows --target wp-emulator --device-id 8-1-1 --win-publisher-id XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
ti create -p windows -t module
ti build --platform windows --target wp-emulator --device-id 8-1-1 --win-publisher-id XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
After installing the prerequisites you should try to build our
reference app NG. We recommend performing out-of-source builds,
so to do this run the script Scripts/generate_project.js from any
directory of your choosing as long as it is not within the
titanium_mobile_windows git repo. A good place might be
C:\Users\<user name>\Documents
. For example:
# If you have not yet run the following from the prerequisite installation steps above, please do:
cd Tools\Scripts
npm install .
# Now go to directory where you'd like project generated
cd "${HOME}/Documents"
# Generates a project from our included NG example
node "${HOME}/Documents/GitHub/titanium_mobile_windows/Tools/Scripts/generate_project.js" new NG
# Now open the project in Visual Studio for development
start NG.WindowsPhone.Win32/NG.sln
We could always use a helping hand or two. If you're looking for how to get started helping out the project here are a few suggestions.
We've included a node script that will use the Titanium documentation to generate stub implementations of a proxy up in the TitaniumKit layer and the Windows implementation subclasses. To invoke it, please try:
cd Tools\Scripts\module_generator
npm install .
node generator.js
We'd love to have broader APi coverage in our ti-mocha test suite, or have the existing suite improved. It's also a great place to see tests we're skipping due to bugs or missing implementations/feature.
- The tests live under Examples/NMocha/src/Assets. You can edit an existing suite to add more tests, or write new test suites. We use the naming format ti.proxy.name.test.js and then add a require statement to the app.js file.
- Even if you're not on Windows, you can submit changes to the tests in a PR and our build machine will build and run the tests, giving the results as a comment to the PR.
- To run the mocha test suite locally under a Windows Phone emulator:
# If you have not yet run the following from the prerequisite installation steps above, please do:
cd Tools\Scripts
npm install .
# Now go to directory where you'd like project generated
cd "${HOME}/Documents"
# Generates a project from our included NMocha example
node "${HOME}/Documents/GitHub/titanium_mobile_windows/Tools/Scripts/generate_project.js" new NMocha
# Now open the project in Visual Studio for development
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