App::Ikaros - distributed testing framework for jenkins
use App::Ikaros;
my $status = App::Ikaros->new({
config => 'config/ikaros.conf',
config_type => 'dsl',
})->launch(sub {
my $failed_tests = shift;
print "$failed_tests\n";
# notify IRC or register issue tickets..
use App::Ikaros::Helper qw/
use App::Ikaros::DSL;
my $options = get_options;
my $all_tests = [ 't/test0.t', 't/test1.t', 't/test2.t' ];
my $blacklist = [ 't/test0.t' ];
my $prove_tests = $blacklist;
my $forkprove_tests = exclude_blacklist($all_tests, $blacklist); # [ 't/test1.t', 't/test2.t' ]
my $conf = load_from_yaml('config/hosts.yaml');
# setup host status
hosts $conf;
plan {
# test list for prove
prove_tests => $prove_tests,
# test list for forkprove
forkprove_tests => $forkprove_tests,
# change directory to execute main command
chdir => 'work',
# prove version of main command
# '$prove' is expanded -I/path/to/ikaros_lib /path/to/ikaros_lib/bin/prove
prove_command => [ 'perl', '$prove', '-Ilocal/lib/perl5' ],
# forkprove version of main command
# '$forkprove' is expanded -I/path/to/ikaros_lib /path/to/ikaros_lib/bin/forkprove
forkprove_command => [ 'perl', '$forkprove', '-Ilocal/lib/perl5' ],
# commands before main command
before_commands => [
'if [ -d work ]; then rm -rf work; fi;',
'if [ -d cover_db ]; then rm -rf cover_db; fi;',
'if [ -f junit_output.xml ]; then rm junit_output.xml; fi;',
'git clone work',
# commands after main command
after_commands => []
# default status each hosts
user: $USER_NAME # username for ssh connection
private_key: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa # private_key for ssh connection
runner: forkprove # executor of main command ('prove' or 'forkprove')
coverage: true # enable testing coverage
perlbrew: true # find perl binary using perlbrew
workdir: $HOME/ikaros_workspace # working directory for testing
# set status individually
- remote # remote server name
- remote:
workdir: $HOME/ikaros_workspace_2 # override working directory name
- remote:
runner: prove # override executor of main command
workdir: $HOME/ikaros_workspace_3
App::Ikaros is distributed testing framework for jenkins.
Masaaki Goshima (goccy) [email protected]
Copyright (C) Masaaki Goshima (goccy).
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.