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language tags datasets metrics results on validation data co2_eq_emissions
Natural language processing
Sentiment classification
Mood detection
Tweets analysis
Cross entropy loss
Accuracy = 0.756
Cross entropy loss = 0.451
1.2g CO2
hardware used
12 CPU (i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz)

TextMood Model Card

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Table of Contents

Model details

  • Sentiment classification task with deep neural networks using social networks data
  • In particular, detection of users' mood classifying it as positive or negative by simply reading their tweets
  • Developed by the TextMood team in the context of TAED II course
  • Model date: October 2022
  • Model version: 4.0
  • Send questions or comments about the model to [email protected]

Model architecture

Intended use

  • Intended to be strictly used to detect and classify user's mood. It is not allowed to benefit or make a profit from this information.
  • Not intended to make judgments about specific users


  • Subjectivity when evaluating the polarity of the tweet (0 = negative, 1 = positive) may affect the performance and trustworthiness of the model
  • The model just evaluates the language. Other factors such as users' race, gender, age or health are not taken into account as the data used are simply tweets extracted by the Twitter API without collecting user's personal information.


  • Model trained using tl.CrossEntropyLoss optimized with the trax.optimizers.Adam optimizer
  • Tracking the accuracy using tl.Accuracy metric. We also track tl.CrossEntropyLoss on the validation set.

Training data

Evaluation data

Quantitative analyses

All the different versions of our model, alongside with the parameters used and metrics obtained, can be checked in our Comet panel following the next link:

Ethical considerations

  • TextMood team follows values such as transparency, privacy, non-discrimination and societal and environmental wellbeing
  • As previosuly stated, this model cannot be used for gaining personal or commercial profit by knowing users' mood.