The attached code includes three separate Python notebooks, each one of them containing a different model. In order to be able to run the code, follow these steps:
- Select one of the three notebooks.
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Support Vector Machine
- TSNE: t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
- Open the selected notebook from Google Colaboratory (it could also be uploaded to Jupyter Notebook, but execution times would be longer because no GPUs could be used).
- Once in Google Colaboratory, press command/control+F9 to execute all cells. This process should run smoothly and bug-free, please contact [email protected] for any doubts.
The Quick Draw Dataset is a collection of 50 million drawings across 345 categories, contributed by players of the game Quick, Draw!. The drawings were captured as timestamped vectors, tagged with metadata including what the player was asked to draw and in which country the player was located. You can browse the recognized drawings on