Release summary
See, https://github.com/google/docsy/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#030
Commit details
- fix docu TL;DR: second module import path by @Marzal in #970
- User guide: fixing broken links by @deining in #971
- fix: links to DocSearch by @kai687 in #984
- Completing Russian and Ukrainian translation by @deining in #967
- User guide, package.json: add name and version by @deining in #972
- Fix search input for latest version of Algolia by @LisaFC in #985
- CHANGELOG: add link to Migrate to Hugo Modules by @chalin in #997
- Update readfile shortcode by @geriom in #995
- Add Stroom link to Examples page by @at055612 in #1001
- User guide: module definition: add 'proxy' attribute by @deining in #994
- Completion of Bengali translation by @MoshiulRabbi in #1010
- User guide, installation as module: improvements by @deining in #1008
- Add "publishing a release" notes and finalize Changelog by @chalin in #1018
- Update NPM package version, and release notes by @chalin in #1019
- Shortcodes for tabbed panes: improvements (allow textual content) by @deining in #1009
- sv lang translation by @lxmarinkovic in #998
- Update feedback.md by @derrygeoff in #1031
- [offline search configuration] Specify attributes for offline search belongs to the params key by @ArtieReus in #996
- Configuration snippets: showing toml, yaml and json format inside tabbed pane by @deining in #1035
- fix: add link to migration guide by @317brian in #1036
- Fixing invalid html by @deining in #924
- updatte es.toml by @Marzal in #1042
- community_links: make community_how_to adjustable by @stephanlachnit in #1044
- User guide: remove content related to Blackfriday (unsupported) by @deining in #1038
- remove GitHub logo for creating docs issue by @stephanlachnit in #1045
- Add Docker to run docsy user guide locally by @geriom in #1016
- Add breadcrumbs to taxonomy result list by @at055612 in #1011
- Add docs for disabling taxonomy breadcrumbs by @at055612 in #1048
- Loading lunr.js is not critical for page rendering and can be deferred by @fekete-robert in #1050
- User guide: correct outdated flag --i18n-warnings by @deining in #1034
- Add missing argument by @cbrownstein-lambda in #1055
- Prepare release v0.3.0 by @geriom in #1043
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0