Create amazing pixel art murals with sticky notes. Pixelate is a image editor that shows assembly guides to put art with sticky notes on your wall.
Please read CONTRIBUTING, then open an issue with your idea or pick an unassigned issue, and send a pull request with your changes.
Install the LTS version of Node.js.
Clone this repository into a folder of your choice.
git clone .
Install all NPM dependencies.
npm install
Build the project and start a development web server.
npm run start
Open http://localhost:4200/. The development web server automatically reloads after code changes. All code is automatically formatted and checked when committing.
Pixelate is a community effort of pixel art lovers, not an officially supported Google product. The project is licensed under Apache 2.0. The tree frog logo was created by Ota Jaider for Pixelate.
Copyright 2021 The Pixelate Authors