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go-gorm-spanner reference

Google Cloud Spanner ORM for Go's GORM implementation.

import (
    _ ""

    spannergorm ""

db, err := gorm.Open(spannergorm.New(spannergorm.Config{
    DriverName: "spanner",
    DSN:        "projects/PROJECT/instances/INSTANCE/databases/DATABASE",
}), &gorm.Config{PrepareStmt: true})
if err != nil {

// Print singers with more than 500 likes.
type Singer struct {
    Text         string
    Likes        int
var singers []Singer
if err := db.Where("likes > ?", 500).Find(&singers).Error; err != nil {
for s := range singers {
    fmt.Println(s.ID, s.Text)

Connection URL Properties

The Cloud Spanner GORM supports the following connection URL properties

Commonly Used Properties

  • credentials (String): File name for the credentials to use. The connection will use the default credentials of the environment if no credentials file is specified in the connection string. Example: projects/my-project/instances/my-instance/databases/my-db;credentials=/path/to/credentials.json
  • optimizerVersion (String): Sets the default query optimizer version to use for this connection. See also

Advanced Properties

  • minSessions (int): Sets the minimum number of sessions in the backing session pool. Defaults to 100.
  • maxSessions (int): Sets the maximum number of sessions in the backing session pool. Defaults to 400.
  • numChannels (int): Sets the number of gRPC channels to use. Defaults to 4.
  • retryAbortsInternally (boolean): Boolean that indicates whether the connection should automatically retry aborted errors. The default is true.
  • disableRouteToLeader (boolean): Boolean that indicates if all the requests of type read-write and PDML need to be routed to the leader region. The default is false.
  • usePlainText (boolean): : Boolean that indicates whether the connection should use plain text communication or not. Set this to true to connect to local mock servers that do not use SSL. Example: projects/test-project/instances/test-instance/databases/test-db;usePlainText=true

Example: projects/my-project/instances/my-instance/databases/my-db;minSessions=100;maxSessions=400;numChannels=4;retryAbortsInternally=true;disableRouteToLeader=false;usePlainText=false

Additional Spanner Configuration

You can also connect gorm to Spanner using a driver.Connector. This allows you to supply additional configuration for the Spanner client that should be used for gorm:

// Create a function that sets the Spanner client configuration for the database connection.
configureFunction := func(config *spanner.ClientConfig, opts *[]option.ClientOption) {
    // Set a default query optimizer version that the client should use.
    config.QueryOptions = spanner.QueryOptions{Options: &spannerpb.ExecuteSqlRequest_QueryOptions{OptimizerVersion: "1"}}
// Create a ConnectorConfig to use with the Spanner database/sql driver.
config := spannerdriver.ConnectorConfig{
    Project:      projectId,
    Instance:     instanceId,
    Database:     databaseId,
    Configurator: configureFunction,
// Create a Connector for Spanner. This Connector instance should be re-used for all gorm connections.
c, err := spannerdriver.CreateConnector(config)
db, err := gorm.Open(
    spannergorm.New(spannergorm.Config{Connector: c}),
    &gorm.Config{PrepareStmt: true})

See custom_spanner_config.go for a working sample application.


See the Google Cloud Spanner Emulator support to learn how to start the emulator. When the emulator has been started and the environment variable has been set, gorm will automatically connect to the emulator instead of Cloud Spanner.

$ gcloud emulators spanner start
$ export SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010

Our libraries are compatible with at least the three most recent, major Go releases. They are currently compatible with:

  • Go 1.23
  • Go 1.22

Data Types

Spanner supports the following data types in combination with gorm.

Cloud Spanner Type gorm / go type
bool bool, sql.NullBool, spanner.NullBool
int64 uint, int64, sql.NullInt64, spanner.NullInt64
string string, sql.NullString, spanner.NullString
json spanner.NullJSON
float64 float64, sql.NullFloat64, spanner.NullFloat64
float32 float32, spanner.NullFloat32, spanner.NullFloat32
numeric big.Rat, spanner.NullNumeric
timestamp with time zone time.Time, sql.NullTime, spanner.NullTime
date civil.Date, spanner.NullDate
bytes []byte

See data_types.go for a working sample for each data type.

You can also use arrays and protobuf columns with gorm. See the following samples for how to map and use those types:

AutoMigrate Dry Run

The Spanner gorm dialect supports dry-runs for auto-migration. Use this to get the DDL statements that would be generated and executed by auto-migration. You can manually verify and modify these statements to optimize your data model.


tables := []interface{}{&singer{}, &album{}}

// Unwrap the underlying SpannerMigrator interface. This interface supports
// the `AutoMigrateDryRun` method, which does not actually execute the
// generated statements, and instead just returns these as an array.
m := db.Migrator()
migrator, ok := m.(spannergorm.SpannerMigrator)
if !ok {
    return fmt.Errorf("unexpected migrator type: %v", m)
statements, err := migrator.AutoMigrateDryRun(tables...)


The Spanner gorm dialect has the following known limitations:

Limitation Workaround
Nested transactions Nested transactions and savepoints are not supported. It is therefore recommended to set the configuration option DisableNestedTransaction: true,
gorm.Automigrate with interleaved tables Interleaved tables are supported by the Spanner gorm dialect, but Auto-Migration does not support interleaved tables. It is therefore recommended to create interleaved tables manually.
Spanner stale reads Stale reads are not supported by gorm.

For the complete list of the limitations, see the Spanner GORM limitations.

Nested Transactions

gorm uses savepoints for nested transactions. Savepoints are currently not supported by Cloud Spanner. Nested transactions can therefore not be used with GORM.


Locking clauses, like clause.Locking{Strength: "UPDATE"}, are not supported. These are generally speaking also not required, as Cloud Spanner uses isolation level serializable for read/write transactions.


By default, each API will use Google Application Default Credentials for authorization credentials used in calling the API endpoints. This will allow your application to run in many environments without requiring explicit configuration.


Contributions are welcome. Please, see the CONTRIBUTING document for details.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See Contributor Code of Conduct for more information.


Google Cloud Spanner implementation for Go's GORM library.



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