Deprecated plugin. Use Infinity data source plugin instead
This plugin is now DEPRECATED and no longer maintained by the Grafana team. You can use Grafana Infinity data source plugin as an alternative for connecting to JSON/CSV/XML/GraphQL endpoints. Refer the migration guide here, if you still prefer connecting to existing grafana simple JSON backend server implementation. This deprecation means that this plugin won't receive any feature updates or bug fixes. After 6 months (End of June 2024), the plugin will reach EOL and the repository will be archived. If you are looking for building your own plugin, consider the examples here and documentation here.
You can find more documentation about datasource plugins in Grafana's Docs.
This also serves as a living example implementation of a datasource.
Your backend needs to implement 4 urls:
should return 200 ok. Used for "Test connection" on the datasource config page./search
used by the find metric options on the query tab in panels./query
should return metrics based on input./annotations
should return annotations.
Those two urls are optional:
should return tag keys for ad hoc filters./tag-values
should return tag values for ad hoc filters.
To install this plugin using the grafana-cli
sudo grafana-cli plugins install grafana-simple-json-datasource
sudo service grafana-server restart
See here for more information.
- (Python/pandas backend)
Example timeserie
"panelId": 1,
"range": {
"from": "2016-10-31T06:33:44.866Z",
"to": "2016-10-31T12:33:44.866Z",
"raw": {
"from": "now-6h",
"to": "now"
"rangeRaw": {
"from": "now-6h",
"to": "now"
"interval": "30s",
"intervalMs": 30000,
"targets": [
{ "target": "upper_50", "refId": "A", "type": "timeserie" },
{ "target": "upper_75", "refId": "B", "type": "timeserie" }
"adhocFilters": [{
"key": "City",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Berlin"
"format": "json",
"maxDataPoints": 550
Example timeserie
"target":"upper_75", // The field being queried for
[622,1450754160000], // Metric value as a float , unixtimestamp in milliseconds
If the metric selected is "type": "table"
, an example table
The annotation request from the Simple JSON Datasource is a POST request to
the /annotations
endpoint in your datasource. The JSON request body looks like this:
"range": {
"from": "2016-04-15T13:44:39.070Z",
"to": "2016-04-15T14:44:39.070Z"
"rangeRaw": {
"from": "now-1h",
"to": "now"
"annotation": {
"name": "deploy",
"datasource": "Simple JSON Datasource",
"iconColor": "rgba(255, 96, 96, 1)",
"enable": true,
"query": "#deploy"
Grafana expects a response containing an array of annotation objects in the following format:
annotation: annotation, // The original annotation sent from Grafana.
time: time, // Time since UNIX Epoch in milliseconds. (required)
title: title, // The title for the annotation tooltip. (required)
tags: tags, // Tags for the annotation. (optional)
text: text // Text for the annotation. (optional)
Note: If the datasource is configured to connect directly to the backend, you
also need to implement an OPTIONS endpoint at /annotations
that responds
with the correct CORS headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Headers:accept, content-type
Example request
{ target: 'upper_50' }
The search api can either return an array or map.
Example array response
Example map response
[ { "text" :"upper_25", "value": 1}, { "text" :"upper_75", "value": 2} ]
Example request
{ }
The tag keys api returns:
Example request
{"key": "City"}
The tag values api returns:
{'text': 'Eins!'},
{'text': 'Zwei'},
{'text': 'Drei!'}
This plugin requires node 6.10.0
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
npm run build
- Fix for query editor to be compatible with Grafana 7+ (broke due to change in Grafana).
- Support for adhoc filters:
- added tag-keys + tag-values api
- added adHocFilters parameter to query body
- Fix for dropdowns in query editor to allow writing template variables (broke due to change in Grafana).
- Adds support for With Credentials (sends grafana cookies with request) when using Direct mode
- Fix for the typeahead component for metrics dropdown (
- Adds support for basic authentication
- Add support returning sets in the search endpoint
- Allow nested templates in find metric query. #23
- Dont execute hidden queries
- Template support for metrics queries
- Template support for annotation queries
NOTE! for grafana 2.6 please use this version
Copy the data source you want to /public/app/plugins/datasource/
. Then restart grafana-server. The new data source should now be available in the data source type dropdown in the Add Data Source View.