$ yarn add --dev eslint eslint-plugin-jest
Note: If you installed ESLint globally then you must also install
Add jest
to the plugins section of your .eslintrc
configuration file. You
can omit the eslint-plugin-
"plugins": ["jest"]
Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.
"rules": {
"jest/no-disabled-tests": "warn",
"jest/no-focused-tests": "error",
"jest/no-identical-title": "error",
"jest/prefer-to-have-length": "warn",
"jest/valid-expect": "error"
You can also whitelist the environment variables provided by Jest by doing:
"env": {
"jest/globals": true
This plugin exports a recommended configuration that enforces good testing practices.
To enable this configuration use the extends
property in your .eslintrc
config file:
"extends": ["plugin:jest/recommended"]
This plugin also exports a configuration named style
, which adds some
stylistic rules, such as prefer-to-be-null
, which enforces usage of toBeNull
over toBe(null)
To enable this configuration use the extends
property in your .eslintrc
config file:
"extends": ["plugin:jest/style"]
See ESLint documentation for more information about extending configuration files.
If you want to enable all rules instead of only some you can do so by adding the
configuration to your .eslintrc
config file:
"extends": ["plugin:jest/all"]
While the recommended
and style
configurations only change in major versions
the all
configuration may change in any release and is thus unsuited for
installations requiring long-term consistency.
Rule | Description | Configurations | Fixable |
consistent-test-it | Enforce consistent test or it keyword | ||
expect-expect | Enforce assertion to be made in a test body | ||
lowercase-name | Disallow capitalized test names | ||
no-alias-methods | Disallow alias methods | ||
no-commented-out-tests | Disallow commented out tests | ||
no-deprecated-functions | Disallow use of deprecated functions | ||
no-disabled-tests | Disallow disabled tests | ||
no-duplicate-hooks | Disallow duplicate hooks within a describe block |
no-expect-resolves | Disallow using expect().resolves |
no-export | Disallow export from test files | ||
no-focused-tests | Disallow focused tests | ||
no-hooks | Disallow setup and teardown hooks | ||
no-identical-title | Disallow identical titles | ||
no-if | Disallow conditional logic | ||
no-jasmine-globals | Disallow Jasmine globals | ||
no-jest-import | Disallow importing jest |
no-large-snapshots | Disallow large snapshots | ||
no-mocks-import | Disallow manually importing from __mocks__ |
no-standalone-expect | Prevents expect statements outside of a test or it block |
no-test-callback | Using a callback in asynchronous tests | ||
no-test-prefixes | Disallow using f & x prefixes to define focused/skipped tests |
no-test-return-statement | Disallow explicitly returning from tests | ||
no-truthy-falsy | Disallow using toBeTruthy() & toBeFalsy() |
no-try-expect | Prevent catch assertions in tests |
prefer-called-with | Suggest using toBeCalledWith() OR toHaveBeenCalledWith() |
prefer-expect-assertions | Suggest using expect.assertions() OR expect.hasAssertions() |
prefer-hooks-on-top | Suggest to have all hooks at top-level before tests | ||
prefer-inline-snapshots | Suggest using toMatchInlineSnapshot() |
prefer-spy-on | Suggest using jest.spyOn() |
prefer-strict-equal | Suggest using toStrictEqual() |
prefer-to-be-null | Suggest using toBeNull() |
prefer-to-be-undefined | Suggest using toBeUndefined() |
prefer-to-contain | Suggest using toContain() |
prefer-to-have-length | Suggest using toHaveLength() |
prefer-todo | Suggest using test.todo() |
require-top-level-describe | Require a top-level describe block |
require-to-throw-message | Require that toThrow() and toThrowError includes a message |
valid-describe | Enforce valid describe() callback |
valid-expect-in-promise | Enforce having return statement when testing with promises | ||
valid-expect | Enforce valid expect() usage |
valid-title | Enforce valid titles for jest blocks |
This project aims to provide formatting rules (auto-fixable where possible) to ensure consistency and readability in jest test suites.