An example of the app with GraphQL!
GraphQL for fetching data! The most awesome part of the project!
ES6/ES2015 with Babel
React data container for the Apollo Client
Integrating predictable state container Redux with Apollo
Hot reloading using react-transform-hmr
Development and production bundling by Webpack
CSSNext: use of official W3C syntax of the future CSS
Transforming styles with JS plugins by PostCSS
Wow.js for CSS animations
Flexbox for resolving layout fatigue and making the app responsive (open the app in desktop, mobile, whatever...). Doesn't work on IE 9, but it should not be a problem nowadays. See browsers usage.
CSS Modules: say goodbye to global scope in CSS and most of conflicts
Linting both JS and CSS, respectively by: ESLint and Stylelint
Production Mode in progress due to this issue
Make sure you have Node.js installed (the app has been tested with Node 5.12.0
git clone
cd react-apollo-example
npm install
Development mode:
npm run dev
Production mode: (not works fully due to this issue)
npm run build
npm run start
- Open the client at http://localhost:3000
- You can change ports and other settings in
Best way to keep up to date is check the issues. We really welcome improvements for all aspects of an app.
- Any suggestions/improvements/bugs can be in the form of Pull Requests, or creating an issue.
- Coding guidelines: Airbnb's Style Guide