Pots, fyi is a music streaming app intended to run on a personal server. Set it up and listen to your music collection wherever you might be, using only a web browser!
Things you can already do in Pots:
- Search your collection with a typeahead
- Show cover art
- Queue up tracks and albums to play in sequence
- Transcode tracks on the fly from formats your browser doesn't natively support (i.e., FLAC)
- Enjoy the beautiful redesign that just happened
Things you can't do yet:
- Seek within tracks
- Browse all artists / all albums by an artist in order
- Click a button to log out (you have to open the console and enter
for now, dumb, I know) - Use it in mobile browsers unless you're truly desperate
The things you can't do may be out of date; check the issues.
It works in Firefox, Chrome and possibly Safari/IE10+ but I haven't tested.
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Flask-Login
- Mutagen (for reading tags)
- LibAV's avconv (for transcoding)
Pots, fyi uses Webpack to bundle together its client-side dependencies. This requires npm.
Install FFMPEG and Python's pip and virtualenv. On Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg python3-pip python3-venv
You will also need Node.js and npm for later. There is an Ubuntu package for Node.js, but it may not be a new enough version, so you may have to compile your own.
On OS X you can install most of this stuff with brew, but when we tried it, there was no brew package for the project then known as avconv (now folded into FFMPEG). We had to compile that from source and it was a little annoying. Sorry OS X users. You can do it though! There's some instructions on installing avconv on OS X here. I welcome ideas on how to make this easier.
Anyway, once you've got pip and virtualenv, run:
git clone https://github.com/graue/potsfyi
cd potsfyi
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.pip
ln -s /some/dir/that/has/music/in/it static/music
flask update
(Replace /some/dir/that/has/music/in/it
with an appropriate path.
Pots, fyi will make all supported music files
under this path (searching recursively) available through the web interface.
It won't create or change any files here, so don't worry about it
messing anything up.)
Your server is now ready to go. To build client-side scripts (the part that requires Node):
cd script
npm install
npm run watch
(The last command will watch JavaScript source files for changes and rebuild if a change is made. If you don't plan to edit the code, just Ctrl-C it after it builds once.)
Finally, to start a debug server on http://localhost:5000:
FLASK_APP=potsfyi NO_LOGIN=True flask run
To search, type in the box. To queue, click on a search result. To play, click on a song in the play queue (on the right).
You can't run it for real right now. The only implemented form of authentication was based on a service that was discontinued. Disregard the following historical information.
To start a "production" server, you'll want to leave off the DEBUG=True
and pass at least 2 more environment variables:
SECRET_KEY="some long random string"
[email protected]
The secret key keeps cookies secure, and the email you supply is the only one allowed to log in (via Mozilla Persona, aka BrowserID). You can also supply:
: port number to listen on, default 5000DB_URI
: database to connect to, defaultsqlite:///tracks.db
: where the music lives, defaultstatic/music
Flask's default web server only processes one request at a time, which can result in the rest of the webapp locking up while songs download. You can fix this by running the app via gunicorn rather than directly. Install gunicorn via pip, then do something like:
SECRET_KEY="..." [email protected] \
gunicorn -w 4 --timeout 10000 -b potsfyi:app \
>guni.log 2>&1
This spawns 4 worker processes, listens on port 8000, saves output to guni.log, and sets a long timeout so that worker processes don't timeout and get shut down while sending audio. (You can partially work around the timeout issue by proxying your /static/ directory through nginx, but transcoded audio files will still go through Python.)
Run it on either a virtual server with a big disk, or a home server (I've used a Raspberry Pi with a USB hard drive attached). Reverse proxy through nginx. For bonus points, get a free SSL cert and configure HTTPS on Nginx, so no one can snoop on the music you're listening to :)