This is a simple language server for Terragrunt.
It's a work in progress, and we're looking to start coordination with the Terragrunt community to make this the best possible language server for Terragrunt.
The capabilities of this language server are documented in the server capabilities documentation.
For instructions on how to setup the Terragrunt Language Server in your editor, see the setup documentation.
Contributions are welcome, though the maintainers request your patience and understanding, as this is not a project we can dedicate a lot of time to.
If you would like to contribute, please read the contributing documentation file.
A special thanks also goes to jowharshamshiri for getting the ball rolling on tg-hcl-lsp, the first community supported Terragrunt Language Server. Seeing the community commit to creating a Language Server on their own convinced the maintainers of Terragrunt to create this official version.
This one was created by learning from tjdevries's educational-lsp, and that educational example served as a great Golang-based starting point for this project.