A command line utility for querying the MatterMost API for various auditing or reporting purposes.
Based on https://github.com/haam3r/mmquery
apt install python3-pip
pip3 install git+https://github.com/otmarlendl/mmquery.git
git clone https://github.com/otmarlendl/mmquery.git
cd mmquery
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
Generate a personal access token to use from: Account Settings -> Security
# Search for user by string
mmquery --host mattermost.example.com --token 123abcdfeg user --term example
# Export posts from channel
mmquery --host mattermost.example.com --token 123abcdfeg posts --channel example --team team-name
# Export posts from channel, but also dump files from channel to current working directory
mmquery --host mattermost.example.com --token 123abcdfeg posts --channel example --team team-name --filedump
# Get members of a team
mmquery --host mattermost.example.com --token 123abcdfeg members --team example
# Send user audit reports per email domain(s)
mmquery --host mattermost.example.com --token 123abcdfeg report --managers managers.json --template message.txt --smtp-host mail.example.com --source [email protected] --admin [email protected] [--print]
You can also use a config file to store the common config parameters. An example:
host = mm.example.com
port = 443
token = 23abcdfeg
The managers file defines admins and their associated domains. Example:
"[email protected]": {
"name": "Admin Example",
"domain": [
"[email protected]": {
"name": "Org Manager",
"domain": [
I'm writing you on behalf of EXAMPLE ORG regarding MatterMost chat instance.
I have you listed as the team rep for domain(s) "${DOMAIN}".
Please spare a minute or two and validate the users that belong to your domain.
Currently, these are your ${MEM_COUNT} users:
If any of these users should no longer have access to the EXAMPLE ORG chat team, please notify me via [email protected].
Additionally, for those who do not have a nickname set, please remind them to set one in their profile in format country_organization_name (cc_example_joe)
If you have any additional questions or comments, you can contact me directly via [email protected].