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Next.js as Immutable

An immutable Next.js webapp starter

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Here is a list of immutable Next.js webapps


You can migrate an existing Next.js webapp by following these steps

Install @hazae41/immutable

npm i @hazae41/immutable

Modify your package.json to add node ./scripts/build.mjs in order to postprocess each production build

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev",
  "build": "next build && node ./scripts/build.mjs",
  "start": "npx serve --config ../serve.json ./out",
  "lint": "next lint"

Modify your next.config.js to use exported build, immutable build ID, and immutable Cache-Control headers

module.exports = {
   * Recommended in order to output the webapp as HTML
  output: "export",

   * Recommended in order to get deterministic build ID
  generateBuildId() {
    return "immutable"

  async headers() {
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production")
      return []
    return [
        source: "/:path*",
        headers: [
           * Recommended in order to be embedded with strong restrictions
            key: "Allow-CSP-From",
            value: "*"
           * Mandatory in order to get almost immutable caching
            key: "Cache-Control",
            value: "public, max-age=31536000, immutable",

Create a ./serve.json file with this content

  "headers": [
      "source": "**/*",
      "headers": [
          "key": "Allow-CSP-From",
          "value": "*"
          "key": "Cache-Control",
          "value": "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"

You can build your service-worker with NextSidebuild

Just name your service-worker like <name>.js and put it in the ./public folder

Add this glue code to your service-worker

import { Immutable } from "@hazae41/immutable"

declare const self: ServiceWorkerGlobalScope

self.addEventListener("install", () => {
   * Auto-activate as the update was already accepted

 * Declare global template
declare const FILES: [string, string][]

 * Only cache on production
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
  const cache = new Immutable.Cache(new Map(FILES))

  self.addEventListener("activate", (event) => {
     * Uncache previous version

     * Precache current version

   * Respond with cache
  self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => cache.handle(event))

Create a ./public/loader.html file with this content

<!DOCTYPE html>

    html {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;

    body {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      overflow: hidden;

    @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
      body {
        background-color: #000;
  <script type="module">
    await(async () => {
      try {
        if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(bot|spider)/) != null) {
          const html = atob("INJECT_HTML")

          console.log("Beep boop")



        const latestScriptUrl = new URL(`/service_worker.latest.js`, location.href)
        const latestScriptRes = await fetch(latestScriptUrl, { cache: "reload" })

        if (!latestScriptRes.ok)
          throw new Error(`Failed to fetch latest service-worker`, { cause: latestScriptRes.status })

        const cache = latestScriptRes.headers.get("cache-control")

        if (!cache?.includes("immutable"))
          alert("This webapp is not distributed as immutable. Use it at your own risk.")

        const ttl = cache?.split(",").map(s => s.trim()).find(s => s.startsWith("max-age="))?.split("=").at(-1)

        if (ttl !== "31536000")
          alert("This webapp is distributed with a time-to-live of less than 1 year. Use it at your own risk.")

        const { pathname } = latestScriptUrl

        const filename = pathname.split("/").at(-1)
        const basename = filename.split(".").at(0)

        const latestHashBytes = new Uint8Array(await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", await latestScriptRes.arrayBuffer()))
        const latestHashRawHex = Array.from(latestHashBytes).map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("")
        const latestVersion = latestHashRawHex.slice(0, 6)

        const latestVersionScriptPath = `${basename}.${latestVersion}.js`
        const latestVersionScriptUrl = new URL(latestVersionScriptPath, latestScriptUrl)

        localStorage.setItem("service_worker.current.version", JSON.stringify(latestVersion))

        await navigator.serviceWorker.register(latestVersionScriptUrl, { updateViaCache: "all" })
        await navigator.serviceWorker.ready

      } catch (error) {

        alert(`An error occurred when loading this website. Please try again later.`)


  <img style="width: 100px; height: 100px;" src="/favicon.png" alt="favicon" />


And put your webapp icon in ./public/favicon.png

Create a ./scripts/build.mjs file with this content

import crypto from "crypto"
import fs from "fs"
import path from "path"

export function* walkSync(dir) {
  const files = fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: true })

  for (const file of files) {
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
      yield* walkSync(path.join(dir,
    } else {
      yield path.join(dir,

 * Replace all .html files by loader.html
const loader = fs.readFileSync(`./out/loader.html`, "utf8")

for (const pathname of walkSync(`./out`)) {
  if (pathname === `out/loader.html`)

  const dirname = path.dirname(pathname)
  const filename = path.basename(pathname)

  if (!filename.endsWith(".html"))

  fs.copyFileSync(pathname, `./${dirname}/_${filename}`)

  const injected = fs.readFileSync(pathname, "utf8")
  const replaced = loader.replaceAll("INJECT_HTML", btoa(injected))

  fs.writeFileSync(pathname, replaced, "utf8")


 * Find files to cache and compute their hash

const files = new Array()

for (const pathname of walkSync(`./out`)) {
  if (pathname === `out/service_worker.js`)

  const dirname = path.dirname(pathname)
  const filename = path.basename(pathname)

  if (fs.existsSync(`./${dirname}/_${filename}`))
  if (filename.endsWith(".html") && fs.existsSync(`./${dirname}/_${filename.slice(0, -5)}/index.html`))
  if (!filename.endsWith(".html") && fs.existsSync(`./${dirname}/_${filename}/index`))

  const relative = path.relative(`./out`, pathname)

  const text = fs.readFileSync(pathname)
  const hash = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(text).digest("hex")

  files.push([`/${relative}`, hash])

 * Inject `files` into the service-worker and version it

const original = fs.readFileSync(`./out/service_worker.js`, "utf8")
const replaced = original.replaceAll("FILES", JSON.stringify(files))

const version = crypto.createHash("sha256").update(replaced).digest("hex").slice(0, 6)

fs.writeFileSync(`./out/service_worker.js`, replaced, "utf8")
fs.writeFileSync(`./out/service_worker.latest.js`, replaced, "utf8")
fs.writeFileSync(`./out/service_worker.${version}.js`, replaced, "utf8")

Use Immutable.register(pathOrUrl) to register your service-worker in your code

e.g. If you were doing this

await navigator.serviceWorker.register("/service_worker.js")

You now have to do this (always use .latest.js)

await Immutable.register("/service_worker.latest.js")

You can use the returned async function to update your app

navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("controllerchange", () => location.reload())

const update = await Immutable.register("/service_worker.latest.js")

if (update != null) {
   * Update available
  button.onclick = async () => await update()

await navigator.serviceWorker.ready

You now have an immutable but updatable Next.js app!