Room is library to help you make a layout for views easily, Room is similiar with Layout Views in Codeigniter 4
How to install this Library
- Download this project
- Move Room.php to your-codeigniter-project-folder/application/library
- Open your-codeigniter-project-folder/application/config/autoload.php
- Add 'room' to $autoload['libraries']
- Then you can use the Room !
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Welcome to CodeIgniter</title>
The declare method only have one argument - the name of room, That way any child views know what to name the opened room .
You must put the extend after all room has opened
Hello World
The open method only have one argument - the name of room, and close method dont need any argument. That way any room with similiar name to parent view will be replaced
Hello World
if you don't change the name of library :
public function index(){
if you want to pass a data to View :
public function index(){
$data = [
'hello'=> "World"
$this->room->load('content', $data);
In CI3 native, you'll access data with $hello, but we must using a different way
Hello <?=$room->data('hello')?>
Room partials is make a new viewm, this code similiar feature to Rendering view h1.html
<h1>Title For website</h1>
If you are include a view, the new view will have different data so you can passing data from content.html to h1.html h1.html
<?=$room->include('h1', ['title=>"Title For website"])?>
- More efficient & effective code
- Data conditional rendering
Email : [email protected]
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Because my english is so bad, i think i only accept project from indonesian people :(