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NAME DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::CLI - Command line interface for deployment handler VERSION Version 0.3.0 SYNOPSIS This module provides an command line interface for DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler. A sample script using this module looks like: #! /usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use PerlDance::Schema; use DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::CLI; my $schema = PerlDance::Schema->connect('perldance'); my $dh_cli = DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::CLI->new( schema => $schema, databases => 'MySQL', args => \@ARGV, ); if (my $ret = $dh_cli->run) { print $ret, "\n"; } Let's assume that you name the script dh-cli. Now you can call the module's methods through commandline parameters: ./dh-cli prepare-version-storage ./dh-cli install-version-storage It doesn't matter whether you use dashes ( - ) or underscores ( _ ) in the function name. BEST PRACTICES It is often desirable to follow what DeploymentHandler is doing, thus we recommendend to turn on debugging in your dh-cli script: BEGIN { $ENV{DBICDH_DEBUG} = 1; } Configuration We are showing examples for YAML configuration files, but you can also use any other format supported by Config::Any. Values schema_class connection databases Files dh-cli.yaml ~/.dh-cli.yaml /etc/dh-cli.yaml ATTRIBUTES schema DBIx::Class::Schema object. This parameter is required. databases Array reference with database names or single database name as a string. This parameter is required. It is passed directly to DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler. sql_translator_args Hash reference with parameters for SQL::Translator. Defaults to: { add_drop_table => 0, producer_args => { mysql_version => 5, }, } SQL::Translator defaults to use data types for totally outdated versions of MySQL, thus we force the major version almost all running instances are using. This prevents you from ending up with an enum MySQL data type for boolean columns in the schema instead of the boolean one supported by MySQL 5. It is passed directly to DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler. args Array reference with commandline parameters. config Configuration object DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::CLI::ConfigReader. Created automatically. config_files Candidates for configuration files to be used instead of the default ones. Type: array reference. run Determines method to be run. version Prints database and schema version. database_version Retrieves schema version from database. Dies if version storage is missing from database. Returns 0 if version storage is present, but doesn't contain any records. schema_version Retrieves schema version from schema. custom_upgrade_directory Returns custom upgrade directory if possible. run_custom Runs a custom upgrade script. install_custom Installs a custom upgrade script. prepare_version_storage install_version_storage prepare_upgrade upgrade AUTHOR Stefan Hornburg (Racke), <racke at linuxia.de> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests at https://github.com/interchange/DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-CLI/issues I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS None so far. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016-2022 Stefan Hornburg (Racke). This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0 Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Proof of concept for DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler-CLI
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