nfrastructure as code (IaC) is a practice of managing infrastructure configuration and provisioning through code. The code is stored in a repository and version-controlled, just like software code, allowing for easy collaboration and automated deployment of infrastructure.
End-to-end (E2E) tests in the context of infrastructure as code typically refer to automated tests that validate the functionality and behavior of the infrastructure code in a production-like environment. These tests are usually written in code and executed against the actual infrastructure, just like unit tests or integration tests for software code.
IaC E2E tests can be used to validate that the infrastructure code provisions and configures the desired resources as expected. They can also be used to verify the overall functionality of the infrastructure, such as ensuring that the resources are able to communicate with each other and that the infrastructure is resilient to failure.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install Poetry:
curl -sSL | python -
Install the necessary Python packages:
poetry install
Activate Poetry:
source ./.venv/bin/activate
Set up your AWS credentials by exporting your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.
Navigate to the root of the cloned repository and run the tests using pytest:
To run the tests using pytest with the -x and -v flags:
poetry run pytest -x -v
The -x flag stops the test run on the first failure, while the -v flag provides more verbose output.
Pytest is a testing framework for Python. It allows you to write test functions using a simple and intuitive syntax, and provides a powerful set of tools for running and reporting on your tests.
tftest is a Python package that provides a set of tools for testing Terraform code. It allows you to write test cases that validate the behavior of your Terraform code, and provides a simple and intuitive API for running and reporting on your tests.
The fixtures directory contains the test fixtures and the tests direcotry contains the test cases. The fixtures are used to automate the deployment and testing of the Terraform modules in a single test run.
The plan_vpc fixture generates a Terraform plan for the VPC deployment. The apply_vpc_output fixture applies the Terraform plan and caches the output for reuse by subsequent fixtures. The vars_from_vpc fixture retrieves relevant variables from the output of the VPC deployment and returns them as a dictionary. These variables are used as inputs for the EC2 module.
The plan_ec2_instance fixture generates a Terraform plan for the EC2 deployment using the variables retrieved from the VPC deployment. The apply_ec2_instance_output fixture applies the Terraform plan and caches the output for reuse by subsequent fixtures. The ec2 fixture sets up an EC2 client using the region specified in the output of the VPC deployment. This client is used to interact with the deployed EC2 instance.
The test cases in the tests direcory use the fixtures to validate the deployed infrastructure. For example, the test_ec2_instance_running test case checks that the EC2 instance is in a running state.
By using these fixtures, you can automate the deployment and testing of your Terraform modules, which helps to ensure that your infrastructure is always in a consistent and reliable state.
actor Tester
Tester -> test_ec2_instance
activate test_ec2_instance
test_ec2_instance -> test_vpc
activate test_vpc
test_vpc --> test_vpc : Plan and test
test_vpc --> test_vpc : Apply and test
test_vpc -> test_ec2_instance
test_ec2_instance --> test_ec2_instance : Plan and test
test_ec2_instance --> test_ec2_instance : Apply and test
test_ec2_instance -> Tester : return result from test_r53
test_ec2_instance --> test_ec2_instance : destroy
test_ec2_instance -> test_vpc
deactivate test_ec2_instance
test_vpc --> test_vpc : destroy