Welcome to the Workout Manager Software, a command-line application designed for managing your workout routines, tracking exercises, logging workouts, monitoring weight and calories, and managing cardiovascular exercises. This project was developed as a bonus project for the MIS 221 course.
- Exercise Management: Add, delete, and view exercises to tailor your workout routine.
- Workout Logging: Log and view your daily workouts, including a list of exercises performed.
- Weight and Calories Tracking: Log and view your weight and calorie intake for each day.
- Cardiovascular Exercise Management: Log and view cardiovascular exercises.
- Combined Data Viewing: Get a comprehensive view of your workouts, weight, calories, and cardiovascular exercises for a specific day.
- API Integration: Pull exercise information from an external API to enhance your workout planning.
Main Menu:
- Choose options ranging from adding and managing exercises to logging and viewing workouts, weight, calories, and cardiovascular exercises.
Exercise Manager:
- Add new exercises to your routine, delete existing ones, or view your exercise list.
Workout Manager:
- Log your daily workouts and view them later for progress tracking.
Weight and Calories Manager:
- Log your weight and calorie intake for each day and view the historical data.
Cardiovascular Manager:
- Log your cardiovascular exercises and track them over time.
Combined Data Viewer:
- View a consolidated summary of your daily activities, including workouts, weight, calories, and cardiovascular exercises.
API Integration:
- Utilize the external API to pull exercise information based on muscle groups.
- The application integrates an external API (API Ninjas) to provide detailed exercise information based on muscle groups.
- Users can enter a muscle name to fetch relevant exercise details such as exercise type, muscle worked, equipment required, difficulty level, and instructions.
- The project includes ASCII art for an engaging and personalized touch.
- Special thanks for overcoming challenges, including illness, and successfully combining course learnings, advanced programming concepts, and API integration.
- GUI implementation for a more user-friendly experience.
- Enhanced error handling and validation.
- Additional features such as progress tracking, goal setting, and personalized recommendations.
- Jay Crawford