Name | Usage |
server | Collect torrent data |
worker | Collect hash information |
web | Data Display |
Tool | tools |
1.The project uses the reuseport system feature to monitor the port, please keep your server runing the newest linux kernel (version above 4.9)
2.The docker one-click installation is only for development testing and demonstration program features, and should not be used in the production environment.
3.To use this program in production environment, the author assumes that all users know how to use Golang, please Fork any version of the master branch code for development, and do not merge the subsequent master branch code. The master branch code does not guarantee that incompatible changes will not be made.
git clone && cd btSearch/docker && docker-compose up
After waiting for a while for the system to initialize, start collecting data. The program web interface is available at
- Make sure the server running the program is reachable by hosts outside the Internet
- Recommended hardware configuration for single server installation: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
- Recommended hardware configuration for k8s HA installation:
torrent-es-cluster-01: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
torrent-es-cluster-02: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
torrent-es-cluster-03: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
worker-01: 1-16 cores 1G memory
worker-02: 1-16 cores 1G memory
worker-03: 1-16 cores 1G memory
btsearch-01: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
btsearch-02: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
server: 8 cores 3.8Ghz 32G memory
apt update
apt install curl git -y
curl --user elastic:changeme -XPUT http://localhost:9200/bavbt -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
curl --user elastic:changeme -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bavbt/_close'
curl --user elastic:changeme -XPUT localhost:9200/bavbt/_settings?pretty -d '{
"analysis" : {
"analyzer" : {
"default" : {
"type" : "ik_max_word"
"search_analyzer" : {
"default" : {
"type" : "ik_max_word"
curl --user elastic:changeme -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bavbt/_open'
- impl admin BI data dashboard
- provide docker image
- Provide k8s high availability deployment solution (mongodb sharding + stateless load balancing master + etcd)
- gin migrate to iris
- Switch to the official mongodb driver
- support postgres and mysql