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Euporie is a terminal based interactive computing environment for Jupyter.

Euporie's apps allow you to interact with Jupyter kernels, and run Jupyter notebooks - entirely from the terminal.

If you're working with Jupyter notebooks in a terminal only environment, like an SSH server or a container, or just prefer working in the terminal, then euporie is the tool for you!

Console Notebook Preview Hub

View more screenshots here


You can install euporie with uv (recommended), or with pipx or pip):

$ uv tool install euporie
$ # OR
$ pipx install euporie
$ # OR
$ python -m pip install --user euporie

You can also try euporie online here.


  • Edit and run notebooks in the terminal
  • Run code interactively in a console
  • Display images using terminal graphics (sixel / iterm / kitty)
  • Use Jupyter widgets interactively in the terminal
  • Render rich kernel output (markdown, tables, images, LaTeX, HTML, SVG, & PDF)
  • Tab-completion, line suggestions and contextual help
  • Convert a console session to a notebook
  • Micro / Vim / Emacs style key-bindings



You can edit a notebook using euporie-notebook, and passing the notebook's file path or URI as a command line argument:

$ euporie-notebook notebook.ipynb

Alternatively, launch euporie-notebooks and open a notebook file by selecting "Open" from the file menu (Ctrl+O).


To connect to a Jupyter kernel and run code interactively in a console session, you can run

$ euporie-console

(You can press Ctrl+C to open the command palette in euporie-console).


To preview a notebook to the terminal, use the euporie-preview subcommand:

$ euporie-preview notebook.ipynb


To run euporie hub, a multi-user SSH server for euporie apps, run:

$ euporie-hub --port 8022 --host-keys=ssh_host_ed25519_key --client-keys=authorized_keys

where ssh_host_ed25519_key is the path to your host key file, and authorized_keys is a file containing SSH public keys allowed to connect.


View the online documentation at:

The code is available on GitHub at:


Euporie requires Python 3.8 or later. It works on Linux, Windows and MacOS