A Splunk app to use MISP as a backend (lookup, alerts to create or update events) If you have TheHive installed, you also may create alerts.
In short, you can:
easily configure the app from Splunk GUI; no need to edit files via the console.
get ioc from MISP instance in search command line: | mispgetioc
alert action to send alerts to TheHive:
- results may have one column per artifact type or,
- results must have at least 2 columns named type (of artifacts) and value
alert action to create events in MISP
- results must have at least 2 columns named type (of attributes) and value
- or results may have one column per artifact type folowing MISP attribute names; in this case you can use _ instead of - as Splunk does not like so much field name with a -; for example use ip_src, the script will replace it by ip-src.
alert action to increment attributes sighting in MISP:
- likewise you may select in alert settings if sighting is by value or by uuid; both modes work with timestamps.
Install Python 3 on the Splunk Search Head.
Check that python3 is at /usr/bin/python3.
- if not, you may create a symbolic link to the python3.x binary.
- alternatively you may edit misp42splunk/bin/misp-get-ioc.py and adjust the path to your environment.
Install PyMISP (see https://github.com/MISP/PyMISP).
Check that your Splunk SH can connect to the MISP instance.
This App is designed to run on Splunk Search Head(s) on Linux plateforms
- Download the ZIP file and remove -master from folder name in the ZIP file
- Python scripts in folder bin expect the app to be installed at /opt/splunk/etc/misp42splunk. If your environment adapt accordingly either your path or the python scripts
- Please note that this app come with a copy of Splunk SDK under misp42splunk/bin
- Install the app on your Splunk Search Head(s)
- A custom endpoint has been defined so you need to restart Splunk (for later updates, you may skip this step)
- At next logon, you should be invited to configure the app (if not go to Manage Apps > App-MISP42 > Set up)
- For MISP
- provide the url to your MISP instance;
- provide the authkey;
- check (or not) the certificate of the MISP server.
- For TheHive
- provide the url to the API of your instance;
- provide the authkey.
- For MISP
Here some activities you may carry out more easily with this app.
Fresh IOC from MISP > saved searches in Splunk > on match create an alert on TheHive or (later) any SIR platform of your choice.
If you have output of analysis pushed to Splunk you may automate the creation of events Log on sandboxing output > saved search to qualify, sanitize (dedup remove top Alexa, etc.) and prepare the table > set a splunk alert to create event(s) in MISP
Search for attributes values/uuids in Splunk > alert to increment sighting counters (standard,false positive,expiration) in MISP for those values/uuids
This custom command must be the first of a search (or a sub-search). The results are displayed in a table. The command syntax is as follow:
|mispgetioc ( [eventid=id] | [last=interval] )
- You must set either eventid or last parameters
- last interval is a number followed by d(ays), h(ours) or m(inutes)
- you may filter the results using type and category parameters
- you may include attribute uuids (getuuid=Y) or source organisation name in results (getorg=Y)
- you may overwrite the misp server parameters for this search
When you create a Splunk alert, you may add an alert action to create alerts in TheHive
you may build a search returning some values for these fields
and one field to group rows. For example
| eval id = md5(some common key in rows belonging to the same alert)
| table id, autonomous-system, domain, file, filename, fqdn, hash, ip, mail, mail_subject, other, regexp, registry, uri_path, url, user-agent
Values may be empty for some fields; they will be dropped gracefully. You may add any other columns, they will be passed as elements but only fields above are imported as observables when you create/update a case.
You may also build a search with one artifact by row. You may use field id to group several rows together
For example:
| mispgetioc last=1d
| eval id = md5(eventid)
| table id, type, value
Fill in fields. If value is not provided, default will be provided if needed.
- Alert overall description
- Case Template: The case template to use for imported alerts.
- Type: The alert type. Defaults to "alert".
- Source: The alert source. Defaults to "splunk".
- Unique ID: A field name that contains a unique identifier specific to the source event. You may use the field value to group artifacts under the same alert.
- Title: The title to use for created alerts.
- Description: The description to send with the alert.
- Tags: Use single comma-separated string without quotes for multiple tags (ex. "badIP,spam").
- Severity: Change the severity of the created alert.
- TLP: Change the TLP of the created alert. Default is TLP:AMBER
- TheHive API parameters (optional if they have been defined in general setup)
- URL: The URL to submit alerts to e.g. http://hive.example.com/api/alert.
- API KEY: The API KEY for authentication
When you create an alert, you may add an alert action to directly create events in MISP based on search results
You may search and prepare the results as a table with the following command | table _time type value to_ids eventkey info category
Mandatory fields:
- type: the type of attribute. It must use MISP attribute names
- value: the value of the attribute - you should check that the value complies with the type
Optional fields:
- _time: the timestamp will be converted to YYYY-MM-DD for event date. if not provided, set to localtime
- to_ids: if not defined, set to False
- category: if not defined, set to None and populated in relation with the type of attribute
- eventkey: This string/id is used to group several rows of the results belonging to the same event (e.g. attributes of type email-src, email-subject). The actual value is not pushed to MISP. If not specified by row, this value might be overall defined for the alert - see below
- info: This string will be set in the Info field of MISP event. This value might be overall defined for the alert - see below
You mays search and build a table with several column, one for each type of attributes. CAUTION: Splunk syntax does not like field names like ip-src, email-subject. You simply create fields using _ such as ip_src and the script will format the attribute names before pushing to MISP
Save your search as alert. Select "Alert to create MISP event(s)" as action Fill in the form to tune your alert to your needs.
- Alert overall description: this section is for Splunk documentation
- Title: The title of this alert.
- Description: The description to send with the alert.
- Global event parameters: the parameters will apply for all events created by this alert unless overwritten (see above)
- Unique ID: indicate the field containing the unique id to group several rows under a single event. If not defined an default eventkey will be generated and all results will be added to the same event.
- Info: This string will be set in the Info field of MISP event. If not defined, the Info field will contain 'malspam'. By default, it takes a copy of the description (token
$description$ ) - Distribution: Change the Distribution. Defaults to Your organisation only
- Threat Level: Change the Threat Level. Defaults to Undefined
- Analysis: Change Analysis status. Default to Initial
- TLP: Change the TLP of the created alert. Defaults to TLP-Amber
- tags: comma-separated list of tags (not implemented yet)
- Specific alert parameters for MISP serve: If specified, URL and auth key will superseede the config file (misp.conf)
Using those fields you may search in one MISP instance and create events in another one.
- URL: MISP URL (leave blank to use default settings).
- Auth Key: The Authkey to submit alerts to (leave blank to use default settings).
- sslcheck boolean
Build your search with as many fields as you want. One field should contain a valid timestamp.
Save your search as alert. Select "Alert for sighting MISP attribute(s)" as action Fill in the form to tune your alert to your needs.
Global event parameters: the parameters will apply for all events created by this alert unless overwritten (see above)
- Unique ID: indicate the field containing timestamps. If not defined, defaults is now()
- mode; indicate if sighting is by value or by attribute uuid
- type; indicate if sighting type is
- Sighting type 0, the default sighting type using the default STIX interpretation of a sighting.
- Sighting type 1, a false-positive sighting which means this sighting has been interpreted as a false-positive by the organisation.
- Sighting type 2, an expiration sighting which defines when the sighted attributes is to be expired.
Specific alert parameters for MISP serve: If specified, URL and auth key will superseede the config file (misp.conf) Using those fields you may search in one MISP instance and create events in another one.
- URL: MISP URL (leave blank to use default settings).
- Auth Key: The Authkey to submit alerts to (leave blank to use default settings).
- sslcheck boolean
- implement event tagging in misp_alert_create_event
- store some saved searches and lookups as examples
This app is largely inspired by https://github.com/xme/splunk/tree/master/getmispioc and the associated blog https://blog.rootshell.be/2017/10/31/splunk-custom-search-command-searching-misp-iocs/ for MISP interactions.
The alert_action for TheHive is inpired by this Splunk app
This app misp42splunk is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0.