Full Stack Project starts with basic components routes and authentication. The project is in MVC format that includes the User, Post models and controllers. Some routes in the client are protected by the passport authentication using the local strategy.
This is an application where user can sign up to be a member to see all posts from all of our members, members can search for posts by hashtag#, create your own post, update or delete your posts on the protected pages. One of our special features is that you can follow other members to see their posts. In the future, when we have time to go back, we would like to add unfollow, like and comment functionalities to the app.
This project is structured in Full Stack Javascript with Mongoose Models REACT Views and Controllers. The heavy lifting for the authentication is done in src/utils/Auth.js.
- Register a new user
- Login with an existing user
- Log Out
Install all the dependencies with Yarn or NPM
yarn install
Make sure you start Mongod and have mongoDB running..
Then start the project
yarn start
This full stack application is deployed on Heroku: https://sleepy-brook-72953.herokuapp.com/ Sign in using username: ktonner password:password
- Kathleen Tonner
- Dung Davidson(Yoom)