The Maidenhead Locator System (a.k.a. QTH Locator and IARU Locator) is a geocode system used by amateur radio operators to succinctly describe their geographic coordinates.
This Golang library compresses and decompresses (latitude, longitude) coordinates to and from a Maidenhead locator.
go get -u
package main
import (
func main() {
latitude := 43.723073
longitude := 10.396637
locator, _ := maidenhead.Locator(latitude, longitude, maidenhead.FieldPrecision)
fmt.Println("Locator with field precision:", locator)
locator, _ = maidenhead.Locator(latitude, longitude, maidenhead.SquarePrecision)
fmt.Println("Locator with square precision:", locator)
locator, err := maidenhead.Locator(latitude, longitude, maidenhead.SubSquarePrecision)
fmt.Println("Locator with sub square precision:", locator, err)
locator, _ = maidenhead.Locator(latitude, longitude, maidenhead.ExtendedSquarePrecision)
fmt.Println("Locator with extended square precision:", locator)
locator, _ = maidenhead.Locator(latitude, longitude, maidenhead.SubExtendedSquarePrecision)
fmt.Println("Locator with sub extended square precision:", locator)
lat, lng, _ := maidenhead.GridCenter("JN53er73OM")
fmt.Printf("Grid center of %s is lat: %f and lng: %f\n", "JN53er73OM", lat, lng)
square, _ := maidenhead.Square("JN53er73OM")
fmt.Printf("Square coordinates of %s are %+v\n", "JN53er73OM", square)