Build | Status |
CI | |
Universe Server |
Mesosphere Universe registry of packages made available for DC/OS Clusters.
You can publish and store packages in the Universe repository. The packages can then be consumed by DC/OS. This git repo facilitates these three necessary functions - to publish, store and consume packages. You can publish and store packages in the Universe repository. The packages can then be consumed by DC/OS. If you are new to Universe and Packages, this Get Started Guide is highly recommended.
- jq is installed in your environment.
is installed in your environment.- Docker is installed in your environment.
To publish a package to Universe, fork this repo and open a Pull Request. A set of automated builds will be run against the Pull Request to ensure the modifications made in the PR leave the Universe well formed. See Creating a Package for details.
The registry of published packages is maintained as the contents of this repo in the repo/packages
directory. As of
repository version 3.0
multiple packaging versions are allowed to co-exist in the same repository. Validation of
packages are coordinated based on the packaging version defined in package.json
In order for published packages to be consumed and installed in a DC/OS Cluster the Universe Server needs to be built and run in a location accessible by the DC/OS Cluster. See Universe Server for details on building the Universe artifacts and Server.
Each package has its own directory, with one subdirectory for each package revision. Each package revision directory contains the set of files necessary to create a consumable package that can be used by a DC/OS Cluster to install the package.
└── repo/package/F/foo
├── 0
│ ├── command.json
│ ├── config.json
│ ├── marathon.json.mustache
│ ├── resource.json
│ └── package.json
├── 1
│ ├── command.json
│ ├── config.json
│ ├── marathon.json.mustache
│ ├── resource.json
│ └── package.json
└── ...
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | required |
3.0 | required |
4.0 | required |
Every package in Universe must have a package.json
file which specifies the high level metadata about the package.
Currently, a package can specify one of three values for .packagingVersion
either 2.0
or 3.0
or 4.0
; which version is declared
will dictate which other files are required for the complete package as well as the schema(s) all the files must
adhere to. Below is a snippet that represents a version 4.0
See repo/meta/schema/package-schema.json
for the full json schema outlining
what properties are available for each corresponding version of a package.
"packagingVersion": "4.0",
"name": "foo",
"version": "1.2.3",
"tags": ["mesosphere", "framework"],
"maintainer": "[email protected]",
"description": "Does baz.",
"scm": "",
"website": "",
"framework": true,
"upgradesFrom": ["1.2.2"],
"downgradesTo": ["1.2.2"],
"minDcosReleaseVersion": "1.10",
"postInstallNotes": "Have fun foo-ing and baz-ing!"
For the first version of the package, add this line to the beginning of preInstallNotes
: This DC/OS Service is currently in preview. There may be bugs, incomplete features, incorrect documentation, or other discrepancies. Preview packages should never be used in production!
It will be removed once the package has been tested and used by the community.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | not supported |
3.0 | optional |
4.0 | optional |
Introduced in packagingVersion
, .minDcosReleaseVersion
can be specified as a property of package.json
When .minDcosReleaseVersion
is specified the package will only be made available to DC/OS clusters with a DC/OS
Release Version greater than or equal to (>=
) the value specified.
For example, "minDcosReleaseVersion" : "1.8"
will prevent the package from being installed on clusters older than DC/OS 1.8.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | not supported |
3.0 | not supported |
4.0 | optional |
Introduced in packagingVersion
, .upgradesFrom
can be specified as a property of package.json
When .upgradesFrom
is specified this indicates to users that the package is able to upgrade from any of
the versions listed in the property. It is the resposibility of the package creator to make sure that this
is indeed the case.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | not supported |
3.0 | not supported |
4.0 | optional |
Introduced in packagingVersion
, .downgradesTo
can be specified as a property of package.json
When .downgradesTo
is specified this indicates to users that the package is able to downgrade to any of
the versions listed in the property. It is the resposibility of the package creator to make sure that this
is indeed the case.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | optional |
3.0 | optional |
4.0 | optional |
This file describes the configuration properties supported by the package, represented as a json-schema. Each property can specify whether or not it is required, a default value, as well as some basic validation.
Users can then override specific values at installation time by passing an options file to the DC/OS CLI or by setting config values through the DC/OS UI (since DC/OS 1.7).
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"baz": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "How many times to do baz.",
"minimum": 0,
"maximum": 16,
"required": false,
"default": 4
"required": ["baz"]
"required": ["foo"]
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | required |
3.0 | optional |
4.0 | optional |
This file is a mustache template that when rendered will create a Marathon app definition capable of running your service.
Variables in the mustache template will be evaluated from a union object created by merging three objects in the following order:
Defaults specified in
User supplied options from either the DC/OS CLI or the DC/OS UI
The contents of
"id": "foo",
"cpus": 1.0,
"mem": 1024,
"instances": 1,
"args": ["{{{foo.baz}}}"],
"container": {
"type": "DOCKER",
"docker": {
"image": "{{resource.assets.container.docker.foo23b1cfe8e04a}}",
"network": "BRIDGE",
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 8080,
"hostPort": 0,
"servicePort": 0,
"protocol": "tcp"
See the Marathon API Documentation for more detailed instruction on app definitions.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | optional |
3.0 | optional [Deprecated] |
4.0 | not supported |
As of packagingVersion
, command.json
is deprecated in favor of the .cli
property of resource.json
See CLI Resources for details.
Describes how to install the package's CLI via pip, the Python package manager. This document represents the format of a Pip requirements file where each element in the array is a line in the requirements file.
"pip": [
Packaging version 4.0 does not support command.json. The presence of command.json in the directory will fail the universe validation.
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | optional |
3.0 | optional |
4.0 | optional |
This file contains all of the externally hosted resources (E.g. Docker images, HTTP objects and images) needed to install the application.
See repo/meta/schema/v2-resource-schema.json
for the full
json schema outlining what properties are available for each corresponding version of a package.
"images": {
"icon-small": "",
"icon-medium": "",
"icon-large": "",
"screenshots": [
"assets": {
"uris": {
"log4j-properties": ""
"container": {
"docker": {
"23b1cfe8e04a": "some-org/foo:1.0.0"
For the Docker image, please use the image ID for the referenced image. You can find this by
pulling the image locally and running docker images some-org/foo:1.0.0
While images
is an optional field, it is highly recommended you include icons and screenshots
in resource.json
and update the path definitions accordingly. Specifications are as follows:
: 48px (w) x 48px (h)icon-medium
: 96px (w) x 96px (h)icon-large
: 256px (w) x 256px (h)screenshots[...]
: 1200px (w) x 675px (h)
NOTE: To ensure your service icons look beautiful on retina-ready displays,
please supply 2x versions of all icons. No changes are needed to
- simply supply an additional icon file with the text @2x
the name before the file extension.
For example, the icon icon-cassandra-small.png
would have a retina-ready
alternate image named [email protected]
Packaging Version | |
2.0 | not supported |
3.0 | optional |
4.0 | optional |
The new .cli
property allows for a package to configure native CLI subcommands for several platforms and
{ "algo": "sha256", "value": "..." }
"kind": "executable",
{ "algo":"sha256", "value":"..." }
{ "algo":"sha256", "value":"..." }
Developers are invited to publish a package containing their DC/OS Service by submitting a Pull Request targeted at
the version-3.x
branch of this repo.
Full Instructions:
- Fork this repo and clone the fork:
git clone<user>/universe.git /path/to/universe
- Run the verification and build script:
Verify all build steps completed successfully
Submit a pull request against the
branch with your changes. Every pull request opened will have a set of automated verifications run against it. These automated verification are reported against the pull request using the GitHub status API. All verifications must pass in order for a pull request to be eligible for merge. -
Respond to manual review feedback provided by the DC/OS Community.
- Each Pull Request to Universe will also be manually reviewed by a member of the DC/OS Community. To ensure your package is able to be made available to users as quickly as possible be sure to respond to the feedback provided.
- Add a getting started example of how to install and use the DC/OS package. To add the example, fork the
repo and send in a pull request. Re-use the format from the existing examples there.
In order for Universe to be consumed by DC/OS the build process needs to be run to create the Universe Server.
Universe Server is a new component introduce alongside packagingVersion
. In order for Universe to be able to
provide packages for many versions of DC/OS at the same time, it is necessary for a server to be responsible for serving
the correct set of packages to a cluster based on the cluster's version.
All Pull Requests opened for Universe and the version-3.x
branch will have their Docker image built and published
to the DockerHub image mesosphere/universe-server
In the artifacts tab of the build results you can find docker/server/marathon.json
which can be used to run the
Universe Server for testing in your DC/OS cluster. For each Pull Request, click the details link of the "Universe Server
Docker image" status report to view the build results.
- Validate and build the Universe artifacts
- Build the Universe Server Docker image
DOCKER_TAG="my-package" docker/server/build.bash
This will create a Docker image universe-server:my-package
and docker/server/target/marathon.json
on your local machine
- If you would like to publish the built Docker image, run
DOCKER_TAG="my-package" docker/server/build.bash publish
Using the marathon.json
that is created when building Universe Server we can run a Universe Server in our DC/OS
Cluster which can then be used to install packages.
Run the following commands to configure DC/OS to use the custom Universe Server (DC/OS 1.8+):
dcos marathon app add marathon.json
dcos package repo add --index=0 dev-universe http://universe.marathon.mesos:8085/repo
For DC/OS 1.7, a different URL must be used:
dcos marathon app add marathon.json
dcos package repo add --index=0 dev-universe http://universe.marathon.mesos:8085/repo-1.7
A DC/OS Cluster can be configured to point to multiple Universe Servers; each Universe Server will be fetched via HTTPS or HTTP. When a DC/OS Cluster attempts to fetch the package set from a Universe Server, the Universe Server will provide ONLY those packages which can be run on the cluster.
For example:
A DC/OS 1.6.1 Cluster will only receive packages with a minDcosReleaseVersion
less than or equal to (<=
) 1.6.1
in the format the DC/OS Cluster expects.
+----------------------+ +-----------------------+
│public universe server│ │private universe server│
+----------------------+ +-----------------------+
http \ / http
\ /
\ /
+-----+ +--------+
+-----+ http +--------+
Currently Universe Server provides support for the following versions of DC/OS
DC/OS Release Version | Support Level |
1.6.1 | Full Support |
1.7 | Full Support |
1.8 | Full Support |
1.9 | Full Support |
1.10 | Full Support |
1.11 | Full Support |