The eBook Apps is a web application that helps you browse ebooks from anywhere using your smartphone and laptop.
To start running your project locally, follow these steps:
First, clone the repository to the htdocs or www folder.
git clone
Then, launch the XAMPP control panel or Laragon.
Then, start Apache and MySQL.
Then, run phpMyAdmin in your browser.
Next, create database ebookapps
and import ebookapps.sql
Finally, run the eBooks Apps.
If you want to use Docker instead, clone the repository, make sure to have Docker and Docker Compose installed and the Docker daemon running, then execute:
docker-compose up -d
and run the eBooks Apps.
Username: admin
Password: admin
Username: member
Password: member
Visitor -> Access Home and List eBook
Member -> Access Home, List eBook, and Add eBook
Admin -> Access Home, List eBook, Add eBook, Update eBook, and Delete eBook
The eBook Apps is open-source project licensed under the MIT License.