MailSlurp is an API for sending and receiving emails and SMS from dynamically allocated email addresses and phone numbers. It's designed for developers and QA teams to test applications, process inbound emails, send templated notifications, attachments, and more.
- Homepage
- Get an API KEY
- Generated SDK Clients
- Examples repository
These files were generated by the OpenAPI Generator project.
- API version: 6.5.2
- Package version:
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.ProtobufSchemaCodegen For more information, please visit
Below are some usage examples for Go and Ruby. For other languages, please refer to
# assuming `protoc-gen-go` has been installed with `go get -u`
mkdir /var/tmp/go/
protoc --go_out=/var/tmp/go/ services/*
protoc --go_out=/var/tmp/go/ models/*
# assuming `grpc_tools_ruby_protoc` has been installed via `gem install grpc-tools`
grpc_tools_ruby_protoc --ruby_out=$RUBY_OUTPUT_DIR --grpc_out=$RUBY_OUTPUT_DIR/lib services/*
grpc_tools_ruby_protoc --ruby_out=$RUBY_OUTPUT_DIR --grpc_out=$RUBY_OUTPUT_DIR/lib models/*