Releases: maptiler/tileserver-php
Releases · maptiler/tileserver-php
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New features:
- MapBox Vector tiles serving (.pbf) #42 - using MBTiles in MapBox Studio Classic is possible!
- Custom tiles projection #68 - improved TileJSON
- Hybrid tile format support #59 + WebP tile format
- Custom look&feel with a template #31 -
- Serving WMTS / TileJSON for remote tiles #69 - host map tiles in Amazon S3 and serve OGC WMTS Capabilities with TileServer-PHP. As a service it runs on
- code cleaning (wmts refactoring)
- bug fixes
- A single file server implementation
- PHP router and structured and more readable source code
- Automatic detection of the installation directory (no need to alter $config)
- Proper MBTiles hosting (+interaction via UTFGrid) #1
- HTTP eTag and HTTP Not Modified 302 headers for MBTiles #19
- ArcGIS Online fix #10
- Updated JavaScript user interface ( with OL3JS, ArcGISJS, MapBoxJS
- Layer names does not contain .mbtiles anymore