Small Java library to create deep links into generated Javadoc for all Java versions from 1.1 to 25.
The library can create links for
- modules
- packages
- types (classes, interfaces, enums, records, annotations)
- methods and constructors
- fields
based on the internal names (class files) or on Java reflection types.
The latest version can be obtained with the following Maven dependency:
The only public interface of the library is io.javaalmanac.javadoclink.JavaDocLink
. It
is used to get instances, the base URL and retrieve links for different Java
language elements. This For example this snippet creates a link to the
Or using internal vm names:
.classLink("java.base", "java/lang/String");
This code is provided "as is" under the MIT License, without warranty of any kind.
Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.