Basic SAML identity provider for testing service providers.
This application is strictly meant for testing SAML service providers, no authentication is (nor will be) implemented on the administration API endpoints it exposes. It MUST NOT be used as a production SAML IdP.
Plasmid is a SAML identity provider (IdP) based on the implementation from crewjam/saml
it is meant to run with minimal configuration and provide an easy way to test SAML service provider (SP) implementations.
Simply clone the project and use the provided Makefile
to build it:
git clone
cd plasmid
./plasmid -h
Download the latest release for your plaform from the releases
page. You can also live on the edge by using the nightly
release, which always contains the latest changes from the main
Plasmid can be started without any configuration, it will then automatically generate a certificate and
private key and create a user in the idp (credentials: admin:Password123
The default configuration can be overridden either with a YAML file named plasmid.yaml
and located in
the current directory, or from environment variables. Some values can also be set from the command-line.
Environment variables take precedence over the configuration file, and command line arguments take precedence
over environment variables.
All the configuration entry names can be translated from their path in the YAML file to the environment
variable name by replacing .
with _
, converting it to upper case, and prepending IDP_
to it.
For example the environment variable for the YAML entry user.username
An example YAML file with all the configurable options and their default values is provided in
at the root of the project folder.
This example demonstrates how to setup a test environment using ngrok
and SAMLRaider
- In a terminal, start a ngrok tunnel and copy the tunnel URL:
ngrok http 8000
- In another terminal, generate the IdP certificate and private key, and start the server:
./plasmid serve -u <ngrok-url>
- Using the generated
file (or the<base-url>/metadata
URL), register the plasmid instance on the service provider you want to test - In
, import the certificate and private key - You can begin testing the service provider and login using
- Follow the steps described in the SP-initiated example above, including logging into the service provider using the SP-initiated flow in order to create a session in plasmid (this is needed as a workaround to a bug with sp-initiated flows in the underlying SAML library)
- Create a new link in plasmid for the service provider using the
./plasmid client login-add -n "<link-name>" -e "<sp-entity-id>"
- Start the IdP-initiated flow:
./plasmid client login "<login-name>"
- A new browser window should open and the login flow should start
To run plasmid with Docker, simply start the image and pass any needed arguments to it.
Optionally, you can mount a configuration file to the container's /plasmid/plasmid.yaml
path, or use environment variables.
docker run serve
The plasmid client
command provides a number of subcommands that can be used to interact with
a plasmid instance:
Interact with a running Plasmid instance
plasmid client [command]
client, c
Available Commands:
login Start an idp initiated login flow (opens a browser)
login-add Create a new idp initiated login link
login-del Delete an idp initiated login link
login-list List links for idp initiated login
session-del Delete an active user session
session-get Get details about an active user session
session-list List active user sessions
sp-add Register a new service provider
sp-del Delete a service provider
sp-list List service providers
user-add Create a new user account
user-del Delete an user account
user-list List user accounts
-h, --help help for client
--url string plasmid instance url (default "")
Use "plasmid client [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Each subcommand can also be called using shorthand commands (e.g. sg
instead of session-get
please refer to the help of each of those to know more about their usage and the available shorthands.
- Adding a new user to the IdP:
./plasmid client user-add -u "<username>" -e "<email>" -p "<password>"
- Deleting an active user session:
# list active sessions ids
./plasmid client session-list
# delete the session
./plasmid client session-del "<session-id>"
- Adding a new SP to the IdP:
./plasmid client sp-add -m "<metadata_url_or_file>" -s "<service-name>"
- Creating a new IdP-initiated login link:
./plasmid client login-add -n "<link-name>" -e "<sp-entity-id>"
The underlying IdP implementation exposes a number of API endpoints, this section merely exists
as an inventory of those endpoints. Most of those can be easily queried using the
integrated client via the plasmid client
For more information, please refer to the code of their handlers in crewjam/saml
which are listed here.
Method | Path | Description |
/metadata |
get the identity provider metadata |
/sso |
generate SAML assertions |
Method | Path | Description |
/services/ |
list service providers |
/services/<id> |
get service provider metadata |
/services/<id> |
add or update a service provider |
/services/<id> |
delete a service provider |
Method | Path | Description |
/users/ |
list user accounts |
/users/<username> |
get information on an user account |
/users/<username> |
add or update an user account |
/users/<username> |
delete an user account |
Method | Path | Description |
/sessions/ |
list active sessions |
/sessions/<id> |
get information on an active session |
/sessions/<id> |
delete a session |
Method | Path | Description |
/login |
login handler |
/login/<link-name> |
begin flow |
/login/<link-name>/<relay-state> |
begin flow with RelayState |
Method | Path | Description |
/shortcuts/ |
list login links |
/shortcuts/<link-name> |
get information on a login link |
/shortcuts/<link-name> |
create or update a login link for a service provider |
/shortcuts/<link-name> |
delete a login link |
- Does not support signed SAML requests
- Does not support encrypted SAML requests
- IdP initiated flow currently does not properly redirect to the SP after login
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.