Releases: mikedilger/gossip
Gossip Release 0.13.0
Gossip is a nostr client for desktop.
Gossip is open sourced at
This is a major release with the following changes:
- File Metadata support (NIP-92 / NIP-94)
- imeta data in incoming events is utilized, including testing the hash,
and displaying a placeholder blurhash (until the event loads) - Attached files get imeta attachments when posting including url,
metadata (m), hash (x), size, dim, and blurhash - Failed media loading now shows why
- imeta data in incoming events is utilized, including testing the hash,
- Blossom support (BUD-01, BUD-02)
- Can attach local images and/or videos to your notes, which get uploaded
to your blossom server. - Synchronizes with your nostr-saved blossom configuration, and you can
edit that
- Can attach local images and/or videos to your notes, which get uploaded
- NIP-89 Support - Recommended Application Handlers
- Gossip collects recommendations published by your contacts
- These become menu options for opening events
- You can disable any of them you don't want
- You can recommend these to your friends
- You can import a new handler (published by an application developer)
- Support is only for 'web' handlers
- Search on relays (NIP-50)
- You must choose your search relays first.
- Followers and Followed
- On the Person page, you can view who someone follows, and who follows
them (including for yourself) - Computing who follows them is expensive and inaccurate
- On the Person page, you can view who someone follows, and who follows
- Undo Send - for 10 seconds (or whatever you configure) you can undo sending
- Thread replies now sorted by date, except author replies come first
- Cancelling a draft asks if you are sure, so misclicks don't erase your
carefully crafted manifesto. - Inbox indicator showing how many messages are waiting
- Feeds no longer inject new events and scroll while you are trying to read.
Instead, you will get a "Show New Updates" link to press when you are ready. - Every feed has it's own separate "include replies" switch now
- Relays can now be tested to see whether they are fit for purpose
- Zap amount can now be typed in (or slid with a slider)
- Support for pubkey hints in 'e' and 'q' tags
- Support for 'E' and 'A' tags and kind 1111 Comments (NIP-22)
- Font update to support more unicode codepoints
- NIP-46 replies with NIP-44 encryption if the client used it.
- NIP-44 encryption now used for private contacts and private lists.
- FFMpeg 7.1 support
- Relay URLs now rendered as links to the relay config page
- script to help users choose features when compiling
- New command line commands: delete_by_kind, disable_relay
- Subscription batching for naddr searches
- Database compacting reduced to once per week, and handles out of space error
- Some theme color changes
- Relay scoring adjusted
- Likes and zaps data updated more frequently than before
- Default relays for new users have been tested and updated
- Many fixes
Gossip Release 0.12.0
Gossip is a nostr client for desktop.
Gossip is open sourced at
This is a major release with the following major changes:
- Bookmarks support (including private bookmarks)
- Global feed and per-Relay feeds (with volatile storage, erased when you quit)
- Friends-of-friends scores shown in avatar
- Improved spam filtering script with more inputs to make decisions on
Minor changes
- Updated emoji picker
- Relay scoring reworked
- New commands: clear_timeouts, rapid
- More efficient background tasks
- Faster database (less syncing)
- LDMB compressed on startup
- Feed switching improvements (still not perfect)
- Cleaner shutdown (signals handling)
- DM area shows encryption level
- Event menus have been improved
- Relay panels have multiple improvements
- Ability to prune unused person records
- Style/rendering updates
- Less annoying logging
- Improved consistency between remote and local event querying
- Default relays updated
- Documentation updates
- Dependency updates
- Lots of bug fixes
This is a minor release with the following fixes:
- Inbox now correctly includes all direct replies, and excludes hellthreads unless you switch to "everything"
- Fixed panic with relay URLs longer than 255 characters re: bech32 TLV encodings
- Key generation now always gives only 02 even parity keys
Two patches:
- Feeds should now load the right amount of events initially and per 'load-more' chunk
- An annotate that is cancelled should not get stuck making the next reply an annotate
- Fix a panic in the pending thread
- Support ffmpeg 7.0.0
Gossip Release 0.11.0
Gossip is a nostr client for desktop.
Gossip is open sourced at
This release adds the following major features:
SECURE DIRECT MESSAGING: NIP-17 DMs (with NIP-44 encryption and NIP-59
Giftwrap) is fully supported, usable only if both parties have published
their DM relays in a kind 10050 event. You will get a pending item reminding
you to setup your DM relays if you haven't yet. Relays now have DM switches. -
LOAD MORE: now loads a fixed count of events, instead of a time period (which
may have been empty or may have been massive). -
ANNOTATIONS: You may now annotate your messages. If you make a typo, your
annotation (technically a reply event) will render inside the original message
in gossip (but will render as a reply in other clients).
Fixes you may notice:
- Fixed around list synchronization
- Fixes around the tagging popup UI/UX
- Improvements in loading thread ancestors, including better feedback
- Nip46 approvals now persist
- Nip46 compatibility improvements
- An event ordering issue was fixed
- Support for wgpu renderer, and new command to set renderer: wgpu_renderer
- Option to render feed in reverse (with newest at the bottom)
- Improved local storage performance
- Fixes around switching feeds and refreshing
- Vertical scroll bar on relay options
- fixed deleting lists
- Thai font is now also supported in the 'lang-cjk' feature
- Blacklisted and relay URLs with proliferating path issues
- k tag added to deletion events
- When querying events, we also query their possible deletion events
- Avoid accidently asking for DMs because some relays reject that subscription
- Avoid repeated AUTHs to broken relays that keep asking
- Improvements around which relays we post to
- Improvements about relay connections
- New commands: export_encrypted_key, import_encrypted_private_key
- UI/UX updates to notifications
- Setting for custom mouse acceleration
- Allow DPI setting up to 400
- UI/UX improvements to widgets and styles
- Updates to dependencies
- Render unknown event kinds better
- Lots more, see changelog-0.11.0.txt for all commit messages
Changes in this patch release:
- Fixed multiple PersonList syncing bugs
- nip46 approvals now persist
- nip46 service works with more implementations
- Two events with the same timestamp will no longer clobber each other in feeds
- Broken embedded reposts will show an error (rather than an empty post)
- About page says "gossip" now instead of "gossip-lib"
- Relay connection reasons are only shown if Debug Statistics are turned on
- Some log level changes
Release 0.10.0
See the released file README.txt for details
Upgrade Instructions
- SQLite 3 code has been removed. If you are running version 0.7.x of gossip, you need to run a 0.8.x version of gossip at least once in order to keep your old data. Otherwise you can just start fresh.
New Features
- Person Lists:
- Curate your own lists of people
- View a feed of just those people
- Save to nostr events, synchronize with other nostr clients.
- Mark members private to save secretly in encrypted contents.
- Onboarding wizard: Steps a new user through what is needed to get set up
- Support for the new nostr CLOSED message.
- Tagging now works by just typing an '@' and the name and picking from a popup list.
- Restyle of DM Chat
- Restyle of Profile pages
- New login page
- Improvements to event deletion (multiple issues resolved)
- "show more" on long notes
- scrolling improvements
- name improvements (which name to use)
- Better tracking of threads and replies (reposts, replies via 'a')
- Command line commands: reprocess_recent, print_followed, print_muted, bech32_decode, bech32_encode_event_addr, print_relay, add_person_relay, print_person, import_event, print_person_lists, add_person_list, rename_person_list,
- Relay communications are kinder to relays
- Documentation reworked
- TLS now defaults to rust code, but native (operating system provided) root certificates.
- Restructured as a library and a binary, so that people who want a different UI are free to replace the UI while continuing to use the underlying library.
- Lots of little things I didn't bother to add to this list. See the git history for the whole truth.
Patches to 0.8.1