Module Version: 1.0.0
Last updated on 05-17-2019
Sarif version currently tracking: 2.1.0
The Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP) runs software assurance tools, and converts the results of each tool into a common format called SCARF (SWAMP Common Assessment Result Format). There exists a new format being developed by OASIS called SARIF. This repository contains a command line program that takes in a SCARF file as well as other data generated by an assessment in SWAMP and outputs a SARIF file. This converter uses swamp-sarif-io to create the output file. See its documentation for the SARIF features supported.
Usage: ./swamp-scarf-sarif [options] options: --help -h print this message --version -v print version --compact -c print compactly (no indents) --scarf=<FILE> -x path to scarf file --summary=<FILE> -s path to assessment_summary file --hashes=<FILE> -l path to file containing list of hashes --build=<DIR> -b path to build directory --error=<STRING> -e reasons assessment failed --external=<STRING> -t objects to be externalized --output=<FILE> -o output file name/path --setenv -n reduce conversion env output
This command generates the most complete sarif file possible by providing all the data used by the converter that is available in a SWAMP output directory:
swamp-scarf-sarif --scarf $dirName/parsed_results/parsed_results.xml --summary $dirName/results/assessment_summary.xml --hashes $dirName/hashes.txt --build $dirName/build/ --output output.sarif
This command generates the most complete sarif file possible and externalizes all possible properties and reduces conversion env output:
swamp-scarf-sarif --scarf $dirName/parsed_results/parsed_results.xml --summary $dirName/results/assessment_summary.xml --hashes $dirName/hashes.txt --build $dirName/build/ --output output.sarif --setenv --external conversion=conversion.sarif --external artifacts=artifacts.sarif --external invocations=invocations.sarif --external properties=properties.sarif --external results=results.sarif
The following Perl libraries should be installed for the program to work correctly: