- M-CRUD Generator
- Role-based access control (RBAC) user
- Module user
- Module group
- Module permission
- Module filemanager
- Module menu management
- setting system
- setting maintenace
- setting user log activity
- update logo , logo mini, favicon
- update route login and panel
- encryption url
- update timezone
- update encryption key
- update language english and indonesia
- support ajax crud
- support Datatable serverside
- support text editor summernote inculde module file manager
- Bulilt in PHP Version 7.4.10
- tester web hosting php version 5.6 - 7.4
- CI Version 3.1.11
Before starting, please import the default database in the folder db/db.sql.
- email : [email protected]
- pass : 123456
to access the mcrud module please https://localhost/namaproject/mcrud
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/9g9Z56_PTYo
- facebook: https://web.facebook.com/mpampam
- fanspage: https://web.facebook.com/programmerjalanan
Untuk membantu kami mengembangkan tools ini bisa dengan cara donasi buat ngopi :)
BNI 0330538612 / Muh.irfan ibnu
#salam_keyboard!!!! :)