Hi, welcome to my GitHub account. Here you will find class and personal projects I occassionally contribute to.
My area of interest is embedded systems. If I can choose any language to program in for a given project, I will tend to choose C.
I began my career at Aruba Networks working as an embedded software engineer on software of enterprise-grade network switches.
I am currently a full-stack software development engineer at Amazon working on and improving internal tooling that enables A/B testing company-wide. I previously worked in the Amazon Fashion and Fitness space.
Though I am currently employed, if you know of any career opportunities in embedded systems, please email me!
I use GitHub for a variety of things, including:
- Maintaining my resume in LaTeX (click here for the pdf)
- Hosting my personal website
- Maintaining the website for my father's law business (click here to view the site)
- Hosting and maintaining the website for another Salinas-based law firm (click here to view the site)
- Research projects (such as my research on trends of hate speech on right-wing social media platform Gab)
- Side projects (such as my in-progress self-made GameBoy emulator)
- Past school projects I am particularly proud of (such as my weather station written in C for the MSP432)
- Contributing to repositories related to the Nintendo console homebrew scene
You can reach me at my email: [email protected]
I am open to answering any questions about code I've contributed, my current career, my past education, and anything else! I would love to assist however possible on your school or side projects.