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Releases: mui/mui-x


27 Feb 16:03
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Feb 27, 2021

Big thanks to the 7 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Add support for CSV export (#1030) @DanailH.
    This is the first iteration of the feature. You can either render the GridToolbarExport component in the toolbar or use the apiRef exportDataAsCsv/getDataAsCsv methods.

    See the documentation for more details.

  • 🌏 Improve the support for custom locales (#1096, #1079, #1109, #1077)

  • ♿️ Fix a couple of accessibility issues with the popups (#1105, #1102)

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

  • [DataGrid] Prefix all public API to fit into the global Material-UI namespace (#1069) @DanailH
    This change gets the data grid one step closer to a stable release. It allows the data grid to fit into the global namespace of Material-UI. All the exported modules should have a unique name. It allows the search features, in Google, in the docs, and in the codebase to work effectively and efficiently.

    For the mirgration, prefixing a broken import with "grid" is often enough. In the case it's not working, head to the pull request's description. It details all the changes.





17 Feb 11:40
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Feb 17, 2021

Big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 📍 Add support for default locales (#983) @DanailH
    We have built the infrastructure to support around 100 default locales. If you have localized the data grid in your application. Please do consider contributing new translations back to Material-UI by opening a pull request.
  • 🎁 Add new selectionModel prop (#986) @dtassone
    The prop can be used to control the selected rows in the data grid. See the docs.
  • 💅 Add support for default props from theme (#1019) @DanailH
  • 🙌 Fix scrollbar size on windows (#1061) @dtassone
  • 🐛 Polish existing features, fix 9 issues.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

  • [DataGrid] Remove sortDirection from column definitions. Consolidate around fewer ways of doing the same thing. (#1015) @dtassone

    -columns[1] = { ...columns[1], sortDirection: 'asc' };
    return (
    -   <DataGrid rows={rows} columns={columns} />
    +   <DataGrid rows={rows} columns={columns} sortModel={[{ field: columns[1].field, sort: 'asc' }]} />
  • [DataGrid] Rename the onSelectionChange prop to onSelectionModelChange for consistency. (#986) @dtassone

    -<DataGrid onSelectionChange={selectionChangeHandler} />
    +<DataGrid onSelectionModelChange={onSelectionModelChangeHandler} />
  • [DataGrid] Remove showToolbar prop (#948) @DanailH

    -import { DataGrid } from '@material-ui/data-grid';
    +import { DataGrid, GridToolbar } from '@material-ui/data-grid';
    -<DataGrid showToolbar />
    +<DataGrid components={{ Toolbar: GridToolbar }} />
  • [DataGrid] Change page index base, from 1 to 0. (#1021) @dtassone
    This change is done for consistency with TablePagination and JavaScript arrays that are 0-based. Material-UI still uses a 1-base page for the Pagination component that matches the URL's query.

    -const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1);
    +const [page, setPage] = React.useState(0);
    return (
      <div className="grid-container">
        <DataGrid rows={rows} columns={columns} page={page} />





05 Feb 19:41
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Feb 5, 2021

Big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]




26 Jan 15:07
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Jan 26, 2021

Big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎁 Add support for Material-UI v5-alpha (#855) @DanailH.
    The data grid supports Material-UI v4 and v5. We aim to retain the support for v4 as long as v5 hasn't reached the beta phase. If you using v5, use the documentation of the component for v4.

  • 💅 Update the customization API to be closer to Material-UI v5. (#890, #851, #879) @dtassone
    The date grid accepts two props: components and componentsProps.
    The first prop allows to swapping specific components used in slots the grid, like the checkboxes.
    The second one allows providing extra props to each slot. It avoids the need for using the React context to access information from outside the data grid.

    See the RFC for more details.

  • 🐛 Polish existing features, fix 3 issues.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

  • [DataGrid] Implement customization pattern of Material-UI v5 (#851, #879) @dtassone

    • Capitalize the keys of the components prop. This change aims to bring consistency with the customization pattern of Material-UI v5:
    -   noRowsOverlay: CustomNoRowsOverlay,
    +   NoRowOverlay: CustomNoRowsOverlay,
    • Move all the icon components overrides in the components prop. And added the suffix 'Icon' on each icon component. This change aims to bring consistency with the customization pattern of Material-UI v5:
    - icons: {{
    -   ColumnSortedAscending: SortedAscending,
    - }},
    + components={{
    +   ColumnSortedAscendingIcon: SortedAscending,
    + }}
    • Change the props provided to the component of the components prop. Expose the whole state instead of an arbitrary set of props:
    -function CustomPagination(props: ComponentProps) {
    -  const { pagination, api } = props;
    +function CustomPagination(props: BaseComponentProps) {
    +  const { state, api } = props;
       return (
    -      page={}
    -      count={pagination.pageCount}
    +      page={}
    +      count={state.pagination.pageCount}
    // ...
    <DataGrid components={{ Pagination: CustomPagination }} />


  • [DataGrid] Add customisation on panels (#890) @dtassone
  • [DataGrid] Add support for Material-UI v5-alpha (#855) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Fix footer count not shown on small screen (#899) @mnajdova
  • [DataGrid] Fix column selector crash when hiding columns (#875) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Fix Shift + Space keyboard regression to select row (#897) @dtassone




16 Jan 11:04
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Jan 14, 2021

Big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🎛 Add support for Column selector (#837) @DanailH @dtassone.
    The feature can be triggered from the toolbar or the column menu. Check the documentation.

    column selector

  • 🐛 A focus on fixing regressions from previous releases refactoring and bugs.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]



  • [core] Add tests for Column selector feature (#845) @DanailH


07 Jan 15:48
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Jan 7, 2021

Big thanks to the 2 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🔗 Update peer dependencies for React 17 (#814) @DanailH
  • 🐛 Fix keyboard event collisions inside DataGrid cells (#794) @DanailH

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]


  • [docs] Add documentation for the column menu (#815) @DanailH



31 Dec 11:40
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Dec 31, 2020

Big thanks to the 5 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🌎 Add support for internationalization (#718) @DanailH

    You can use the localeText prop to provide custom wordings in the data grid.
    Check the documentation for a demo.

  • 📚 Start documenting the filtering feature 🧪 (#754) @dtassone

    The work in progress filtering feature and documentation can be found following this link. Early feedback are welcome.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]

  • [DataGrid] Convert remaining text to use locale text API (#791) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Fix column width calculation after data changes (#756) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] Setup internationalization (#718) @DanailH
  • [DataGrid] getValueError in valueGetter if incorrect field is supplied (#755) @ZeeshanTamboli
  • [XGrid] Fix support for custom class name generators (#793) @DanailH




16 Dec 12:58
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Big thanks to the 4 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🐛 Fix bugs from recently released features.
  • 🧪 Continue the iteration on the data grid filtering feature, soon to be released @dtassone.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]




09 Dec 12:04
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Big thanks to the 6 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🔍 Add a new data grid density selector feature (#606) @DanailH.
  • 💄 A first iteration on the data grid's toolbar.
  • 🧪 Continue the iteration on the data grid filtering feature, soon to be released @dtassone.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]





02 Dec 12:10
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Big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

  • 🐛 Fix bugs from recently released features.
  • 🧪 Iterate on the upcoming filtering feature under an undocumented prop.

@material-ui/[email protected] / @material-ui/[email protected]

Breaking changes

  • [XGrid] Rows refactoring, flatten RowModel, remove RowData (#668) @dtassone

    These changes simplify the API and avoid confusion between RowData and RowModel.
    Now we only have RowModel which is a flat object containing an id and the row data. It is the same object as the items of the rows prop array.

    The API to change update the rows using apiRef has changed:


    apiRef.current.updateRowModels has been removed, please use apiRef.current.updateRows.


