181 commits
to master
since this release
Release v10.0.0-beta
Migration Notes
Remove the s3_access_key
and s3_secret_key
variables from your orca.tf
Post V2 Upgrade Comparison
Once the Aurora V1 database has been migrated/upgrade to Aurora V2 you can verify data integrity of the ORCA database by deploying the EC2 comparison instance which can be found at modules/db_compare_instance/main.tf
- Deployment Steps
- Fill in the variables in
- archive_bucket - ORCA Archive Bucket Name IMPORTANT: use underscores in place of dashes e.g. zrtest_orca_archive
- v1_endpoint - Endpoint of the V1 cluster e.g. orcaV1.cluster-c1xufm1sp0ux.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com
- v1_database - Database of the V1 cluster e.g. orca_db
- v1_user - Username of the V1 cluster e.g orcaV1_user
- v1_password - Password for the V1 user e.g. OrcaDBPass_4
- v2_endpoint - Endpoint of the V2 cluster e.g. orcaV2.cluster-c1xufm1sp0ux.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com
- v2_database - Database of the V2 cluster e.g. orca_db2
- v2_user - Username of the V2 cluster e.g orcaV2_user
- v2_password - Password for the V2 user e.g. OrcaDB2Pass_9
- cd to
- Run
terraform init
- Run
terraform apply
- Once the instance is deployed add an inbound rule to both the V1 and V2 database security groups with the private IP of the EC2 instance.
- The private IP of the instance can be found via the console or AWS CLI by running the command:
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" "Name=instance-id,Values=<INSTANCE_ID>" --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[PrivateIpAddress]' --output text
- This needs to be performed on BOTH V1 and V2 Security Groups The inbound rule can be added via the AWS console or AWS CLI by running the command:
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id <DB_SECURITY_GROUP_ID> --protocol tcp --port 5432 --cidr <INSTANCE_PRIVATE_IP>/32
- The private IP of the instance can be found via the console or AWS CLI by running the command:
- Now you can connect to the EC2 via the AWS console or AWS CLI with the command:
aws ssm start-session --target <INSTANCE_ID>
- Once connected run the command
cd /home
- Once at the
directory run the command:sh db_compare.sh
- When the script completes it will output two tables:
- v1_cluster - This table is count of data in the ORCA database of each table in the V1 cluster.
- v2_cluster - This table is count of data in the ORCA database of each table in the V2 cluster.
- Verify that the output of the V2 database matches that of the V1 database to ensure no data was lost during the migration.
- Once verified the EC2 instance can be destroyed by running
terraform destroy
Verify you are in the modules/db_compare_instance directory - This needs to be performed on BOTH V1 and V2 Security Groups Remove the added inbound rules that were added in step 5 either in the AWS Console or AWS CLI by running the command:
aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress --group-id <DB_SECURITY_GROUP_ID> --protocol tcp --port 5432 --cidr <INSTANCE_PRIVATE_IP>/32
- Delete the V1 database.
- Remove the snapshot identifier from the Terraform (If Applicable)
- In the AWS console navigate to RDS -> Snapshots and delete the snapshot the V2 database was restored from.
- Fill in the variables in
- ORCA-845 - Created IAM role for RDS S3 import needed for Aurora v2 upgrade.
- ORCA-792 - Added DB comparison script at
for the temporary EC2 to compare databases post migration. - ORCA-868 - Added EC2 instance for DB comparison after migration under
- ORCA-832 - Modified pyscopg2 installation to allow for SSL connections to database.
- ORCA-795 - Modified Graphql task policy to allow for S3 imports.
- ORCA-797 - Removed s3 credential variables from
documentations since they are no longer used in Aurora v2 DB. - ORCA-873 - Modified build task script to copy schemas into a schema folder to resolve errors.
- ORCA-872 - Updated grapql version, modified policy in
to resolve errors, and added DB role attachment tomodules/graphql_0/main.tf
- ORCA-793 - Removed
variables from terraform. - ORCA-795 - Removed
variables from Graphql code and from get_current_archive_list task. - ORCA-798 - Removed
variables from integration tests. - ORCA-783 - Removed
as they are handled by Cumulus.
- ORCA-835 - Fixed ORCA documentation bamboo CI/CD pipeline showing node package import errors.
- ORCA-864 - Updated ORCA archive bucket policy and IAM role to fix access denied error during backup/recovery process.
- ORCA-851 - Updated bandit libraries to fix Snyk vulnerabilities.