201 commits
to develop
since this release
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Update contribution guidelines (#161).
- Provide ability to customize template in fprime command (#185).
- Provide ability to customize template in standalone command (#189).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Introduce new diagram command (#194).
- Provide ability to preprocess properties via external command (#197).
- Extend support for file, property formats across backends (#204).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Replace queueSize with QUEUE_SIZE in FPP file (#186).
- Use template expansion system to generate F' monitoring component (#185).
- Use template expansion system to generate standalone Copilot monitor (#189).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Add command to transform state diagrams into monitors (#194).
- Extend standalone command to use external process to parse properties (#197).
- Enable using user-provided file as format definition spec (#200).
- Add support for XML files to standalone backend (#202).
- Extend support for file, property formats across backends (#204).
- Add java runtime to Dockerfile generated by FPrime backend (#206).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Deprecate unnecessary functions (#185).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Extend JSON spec parser to use an IO action to parse properties (#197).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
- Add version bounds to all dependencies (#119).
- Version bump 1.6.0 (#208).
- Add repository information to cabal package (#148).
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0