This document provides a brief description of the Space geodesy data
analysis software suite maintained by NASA
Author of this document: Leonid Petrov
Last modification: 2025.02.28
Space geodesy data analysis software suite (SGDASS) is a collection
of software programs under Linux and MACOS operating systems
with the primary goal of analysis of very long baseline interferometry
(VLBI) observations. It provides a layer of software of a pipeline for
analysis of VLBI data for both research and development purposes and
for generation of data products on a regular basis in a form suitable
for scientific publications and their dissemination to the scientific
Scientific analysis layer
|---- Processing results of parameter estimation
|---- Parameter estimation of group delays
|---- Simulation of space geodesy experiments
|---- Computation of theoretical path delay,
| its derivatives, and Doppler shift
|---- Offline computation of a priori model
| parameters used for data analysis
|---- Processing raw VLBI visibility data
|---- Scheduling VLBI observations
Layer of numerical methods implementation
|---- Fast spherical harmonics transform
|---- B-spline expansion routines
|---- Chebyschev polynomial expansion routines
|---- Legendre polynomial expansion routines
|---- Linear algebra routines
|---- Linear regression routines
|---- Time transformation routines
|---- Geodetic transformation routines
I/O support level
|---- Geo VLBI database handler
|---- Support of automatic services for retrieving
| data from external servers that are required
| for data analysis
|---- Interface to cfitsio library for read/write
| data in FITS-format
|---- Interface to Unix low level I/O routines
Graphic support level
|---- Library of the Dialogue graphic interface
|---- Tools for 2D visualization
Interface to operating system support level
|---- Interface to operating system support level
indirect dependencies:
Parameter estimation results are delivered in a form of a large
so-called spool file that can have more than 10 million lines.
SGDASS provides a number of programs that processed the raw
spool file and generate data products. This is done in several
steps. Firstly, program getpar extracts information from an input
spool file and writes it into 21 different files. These files
provide station positions, station linear velocities, sine and
cosine amplitudes of harmonic station position estimates,
coefficients of B-spline expansions of stations positions; source
coordinates and proper motions; time series of Earth orientation
parameters and their time derivatives, coefficients of an expansion
of the Earth orientation parameters into the Fourier basis,
coefficients of an expansion of the Earth orientation into the
B-spline basis; estimates of clock function; estimates of the
atmospheric path delays in zenith direction; estimates of baseline
clock adjustments.
SGDASS provides a set of programs for transformation of the Earth
orientation parameters, their comparison, filtering for outliers,
and smoothing.
SGDASS provides programs for an update of a priori catalogues of source
coordinates, stations positions, and station velocities for the results
of parameter estimation.
SGDASS provides programs for analysis of baseline length repeatability
repeatabilities of arcs between sources.
SGDASS provides programs for visualization of results of data analysis,
such as baseline length repeatabilities, comparison of the Earth
orientation parameter series for both visual inspection and inclusion
into scientific publications.
The primary goal of data analysis is to provide robust and accurate
estimates of parameters of the model of geodetic observations as well
as realistic estimates of their uncertainties. Theoretical values of
group delays and their derivatives are computed, and small differences
between observed and calculated delays, called o-c are formed. Bad data
are identified and flagged. Linear equations of the dependence on o-c
on parameters of the model are formed. These equations are augmented
with equations of constraints. The final system of equations is solved
using multi-group least squares, and the variance-covariance matrix is
computed in addition to computation of the vector of estimates. Since
the number of parameters may exceed one million, an efficient method
for solving a large sparse problem with a regular portrait is
Parameter estimation software works in two modes: preprocessing and
final analysis. Preprocessing can be done either interactively or
inattentively by execution of control file. Final analysis is always
done in the non-interactive mode.
Preprocessing involves three major steps: a) parameterization;
b) outliers elimination; c) weights update. In a case if visibility
analysis was performed by third-party software that used obsolete
algorithms, an addition step, group delay ambiguity resolution,
is required.
Parameterization involves specifying the list of parameter that are
estimated: source coordinates, station positions, Earth orientation
parameters, clock function, atmospheric path delay in zenith directions,
tilts of the atmosphere symmetry axis, baseline dependent clocks,
and clock breaks. Parameterization also involves specifying constraints
imposed on parameters. Some combinations of estimated parameters and
constraints result in a singular system of equations. Software provides
singularity checks and signals if it finds deficient parameterization.
Outlier elimination involves a procedure that finds an observation
with the highest normalized residual and implements an update of the
normal matrix and normal vector by using the lemma of inversion
of an augmented matrix. A result of this update is the solution
of the least square problem without a given observation. The process
is iteratively repeated till the specified condition is met.
An algorithm for an inverse problem, i.e. update of the least square
solution for inclusion of a new observation with the smallest
normalized residual is implemented as well. Both the direct and inverse
outlier elimination procedures are run several times till convergence
is detected.
The weight update procedure finds baseline-dependent additive parameters
that, being added in quadrature to the a priori weights, make the ratio
of the weighted sum of residuals to its mathematical expectation close
to unity. These additive weight corrections are stored and applied during
a final geodetic solution.
In processing group delays produced by the third-party software,
a situation when group delays have ambiguities may happen. That means
that delay has an additional term in a form of n*sp where sp is the
parameter of the ambiguity spacing and n is a random number. In a case
if n is not constant, this term introduces very large errors in geodetic
analysis which make results close to useless. SGDASS implements routines
for the automatic determination of that random number "n" and correcting
affected data.
Results of preprocessing are stored in the database with data.
Final data analysis is performed in the batch (non-interactive) mode.
The data analysis tool ingests two control files and the list of
sessions that have to be processed. The first control file defines
procedures for computation of theoretical delays. The second file
controls the parameter estimation procedure.
The control file for computation of theoretical delays specifies names
of the models applied, and either parameters of the models or files
with such parameters. These parameters include stations positions,
stations velocities, station eccentricity file, source coordinates,
source proper motion or the ephemeride, planetary ephemeride,
leap second file, coefficients of the empirical Earth rotation model,
coefficients of the harmonic variations in the Earth rotation,
time series of the Earth rotation, coefficients of the expansions
of Earth's rotation into the B-spline basis, coefficients of the
expansion of the tide-generating potential, parameters of the mean
pole tide, time series of station displacements caused by atmospheric
pressure loading, time series of station displacements caused by land
water storage loading, time series of station displacements caused by
non-tidal ocean loading, coefficients of station displacements caused by
tidal ocean loading, time series of expansion of slant path delay into
the B-spline basis, time series of global ionospheric models, parameters
of the antenna thermal deformations, and images of extragalactic
radio sources.
The control file allows to specify the model for the Earth orientation
parameters, the model for tidal displacements, the model for solid Earth
tides, the model for the pole tide, the model of antenna axis offset,
the model of slant path delay and its derivatives, the model of
the path delay in the ionosphere, the relativity model, model of galactic
aberration, and the source structure model.
The parameter estimation model defines the rules for the automatic
selection of estimated parameters, as well as their scope; defines the
rules for forming equations of constraints; defines the mathematical
procedure for parameter estimation; defines reweighing rules, defines
the list of experiments to process; and defines options for the output
of parameter estimation. In addition, the control file defines the
so-called user program for computation of corrections to the theoretical
path delays partials derivatives, and constraints. These user programs
work as plug-ins and change the models, add new estimated parameters and
new constrains with respect to those that are built in SGDASS. This mode
is designed primarily for the research and development use.
SGDASS provides a tool for simulation of geodetic VLBI observation.
The input for the simulation tool is either an existing database
with VLBI data or a VLBI schedule in vex format.
The simulation tool can work in two modes: simulating observables in
the existing experiment and simulating observables in a new experiment.
In the first mode it takes existing database with an experiment and
replaces observed group delays with the modeled ones. In the second
mode the simulation tool takes a schedule file, computes group
delays, and adds noise. In both cases the added noise is computed
using random number generator. The simulation tool allows to
generate a Gaussian non-correlated noise with the specified second
moment or a stationary Gaussian correlated noise. In the latter case
the a priori generating station-dependent autocorrelation is supplied
by the user. That autocorrelation is computed by processing the output
of numerical weather models.
Existing data analysis software processes simulated databases the same
way as databases with real data.
and Doppler shifts
SGDASS provides a library for computation of theoretical path delay
and its partial derivatives as as as Doppler shift from the emitter
to the receivers. The emitter can be an extragalactic object or
a satellite. The receiver can be either a ground station or a satellite.
Accuracy of computation is 0.1 mm. Accuracy of results is limited by
the accuracy of the a priori models. The largest error source is
mismodeling of path delay in the neutral atmosphere. Errors in a priori
atmospheric path delay strongly depend on elevation, and on average,
contribute at a level of 30 mm, although at elevation 7 deg they can
reach 400 mm under extreme weather conditions.
SGDASS implements the state-of-the art algorithms for computation of
group delay based on the general relativity paradigm. It applies data
reduction for the Earth rotation, including luni-solar and planetary
nutation for an inelastic, elliptical Earth with the solid mantle and
liquid core, geodesic nutation, high-frequency variations in the polar
motion and UT1, variations in UT1 caused by zonal tides; station
displacements caused by pole tide, solid Earth tides; station caused
by mass loading due by variations in the atmospheric pressure, land
water storage, and ocean bottom pressure; slant path delay in the
neutral atmosphere; slant path delay in the ionosphere; galactic
aberration; source structure; source proper moption; moption of the
object presented as an ephemeride or a set of two line element
parameters; antenna axis offset; antenna gravity deformation; and
compiling effects between the atmospheric path delay and the antenna offset.
Routines of the library for computation of theoretical path delay are
used in all parts of the SGDASS: for scheduling, analysis of
interferometric visibility, analysis of group delays, and analysis of
results of parameter estimation.
for data analysis
some data reductions are computed offline, because otherwise, data
analysis would take so much time that would have been impractical. The
offline a priori model parameter computation includes a) computation of
time series of 3D displacements of observing stations caused by of mass
loading using the output of numerical weather models; b) computation of
time series of gridded slant path delay through the neutral atmosphere;
c) computation of the atmospheric angular momentum using the output
of numerical weather models; d) computation of atmospheric opacity in
microwave range; e) computation of atmospheric brightness temperature,
and f) computation of the Earth orientation parameters, including
All these computation include processing the output of numerical weather
model. SGDASS provides an infrastructure for retrieval of the output
of numerical models on a regular basis in the automated fashion,
preprocessing the ingested data files, storing, and recovery from errors.
Preprocessed outputs of numerical weather model is used in three ways:
a) computation of the atmospheric angular momentum based inf the wind
field and the surface pressure field; b) computation of the surface
pressure of the atmosphere, land water storage, and the ocean bottom
pressure; c) computation of the 3D field of refractivity, atmospheric
opacity, and air temperature. These quantities are used for further
pressure term. The motion term is computed by expanding the 3D wind field
in the B-spline basis and then evaluation of the integral of the 3D shell
using this expansion. The pressure term is derived from the surface
atmospheric pressure computed from the expansion of the 3D pressure
field and interpolating on the physical Earth surface defined by a digital
elevation model.
The Earth orientation parameters are predicted to 72 hours in the future
from the epoch of the last run of the assimilation model. The predicted
value is computed using an auto-regressive model based on prior time
series of the Earth orientation parameters and the atmospheric angular
momentum evaluated from the output of the numerical weather model that
correspond to the prediction.
The Earth orientation parameters series are split into four parts:
1) old parameters that corresponds to epochs 35 days in the past and
older; 2) fresh parameters that corresponds to epochs from 35 days in
the past till the last epoch of Earth orientation parameters derived from
space geodesy observations; 3) a prediction part since the last epoch of
Earth orientation parameters derived from space geodesy observations till
72 hours in the future; 4) a prediction part for epochs since 72 hours in
the future to 180 days in the future. The resulting Earth orientation
parameters series from the first part is based on the series IERS C04
maintained by Paris observatory; the series from the second part are
based on the expansion of existing estimates of the Earth orientation
parameters over the B-spline basis; the third part is based on a model
that assimilates the aggression from the exiting the Earth orientation
parameter series and the atmospheric angular momentum; and the fourth
part is based on the IERS C04 Earth orientation parameter series
forecast. All parts are matched together to avoid discontinuities.
The derived series are expanded into the B-spline basis. These series
and the list of coefficients of the harmonic variations in the Earth
rotation derived from analysis of observations form a so-called Network
Earth Rotation Service message. That message is posted on an http
server and is automatically updated each time new data are arrive,
3 to 8 times a day.
SGDASS contains a library that automatically retrieves the Network Earth
Rotation Service message, parses it, and uses the parsed message for
computation of the Earth rotation matrix for space geodesy data analysis.
atmospheric pressure variations, changes of the land water storage, and
changes in bottom pressure due to the ocean circulation and tides. That
code reuses the infrastructure for retrieval of the output of numerical
models. Evaluation of mass loading is done in two steps: a) computation
of the surface pressure of air, land water, and ocean water, and
b) computation of loading caused by the variable part of that pressure.
The variable part of the surface pressure is computed by subtracting
a parametric model that includes the mean value, trend, and harmonic
constituents. The model is derived from analysis of long series of
surface pressure.
Displacements caused by mass loading are computed using the spherical
harmonics transform approach. The surface pressure is upgraded to 2'x2'
gird, multiplied by the band-limited sea-level mask, passed to
the direct spherical harmonics transform, scaled by appropriate Love
numbers, and finally passed to the inverse spherical harmonics transform.
Then the 2D field of displacements is passed to the routine for sampling
correction that substially mitigates errors caused by the leakage of
the spherical harmonic transform near the coastal line. This 2D field
of displacements is further expanded into the B-spline basis, and the
expansion coefficients are stored. Based in these coefficients, the time
series of displacements in up, east, and north direction for over 1000
space geodesy sites is calculated. The 3D displacements, as well Stokes
coefficients of the contribution of the atmosphere, land water, storage,
and oceanic bottom pressure variations to the geopotential are uploaded
to the http-server for distribution. SGDASS provides code for
an automatic update each time when new data arrive, 3 to 8 times a day.
Expansion coefficients are put on the the http server.
SGDASS contains a library that automatically retrieves the time series
of geodetic station displacements caused by loading, transforms them
into binary formats, and organizes them in a form suitable for data
reduction. Data reduction library uses these coefficients for
interpolation of displacements at a given station, given elevation,
given azimuth, and given time.
of numerical weather models. This is done in four steps. First,
the a hypsometric differential equation is solved based on the raw data
in the output, and the state of the atmosphere on a 3D grid is computed.
Second, based in the state of the atmosphere, the 3D refractivity field
is computed and expanded over 3D B-spline basis. Third, slant path delay
at each station at a given grid of azimuth and elevation is computed by
solving differential equations of radio wave propagation in the
heterogeneous media. Since the refractivity field is represented in
a form of expansion over the B-spline basis, the differential equations
are transformed to a system of non-linear algebraic equations that
relates the expansion coefficients. This system is solved by iterations.
The solution of these equations provides a curved trajectory of the
microwave wavefront in the atmosphere. Fourth, path delay is computed by
integration of refractivity over the trajectory. In addition, the field
of the atmosphere absorption in the frequency range 1 to 360 GHz is
computed in a similar was as the refractivity field and expanded over
the 3D B-spline basis.
SGDASS provides code for integration of the atmospheric absorption
along the trajectory, which allows to evaluate atmospheric opacity.
Based on opacity changes along the wave front trajectory, the equation
of the radiative transfer are solved under condition of the local
thermal equilibrium. Their solution provides the atmospheric brightness
SGDASS provides code for computation of slant path delay in moist
the atmosphere, opacity, and atmospheric brightness temperature on
a grid of azimuths and elevation. SGDASS provides code for an automatic
update for a list of 299 stations each time when new data arrive,
3 to 8 times a day. The expansion coefficients are put on the the http
SGDASS contains a library that automatically retrieves the time series
of gridded slant path delays, transforms them into binary formats,
and organizes them in a form suitable for data reduction.
Data reduction library uses these coefficients to interpolate slant
path delay at a given station, given elevation, given azimuth,
and given time.
The primary goal of processing VLBI visibility data is to estimate
group delays and phase delay rates from time series of cross- and
auto-correlations and perform calibrations. Visibility analysis
software is controlled by a configuration file. The configuration file
defines general parameters and parameters specific for a given task.
The general parameters are the experiment code; experiment bands; lists
of observations to process; names of files with visibilities; name
of the staging directory; files with names of observed sources and
participating stations; flags for using measured phase calibration;
flags for using measured system temperature; flags of using use gain
calibration, sampler calibration, autocorrelation calibration,
amplitude fudge factor, amplitude edge window calibration, amplitude
off-beam calibration, autocorrelation normalization, bandpass
normalization, bandpass normalization range, and a priori gain
calibration. Control file also defines parameters of all the tasks
that SGDASS performs with visibility data, file name of a control file
for computation of theoretical path delays, names of output files,
the tolerance to the jitter in time tags, the minimal scan length, the
maximum scan length, the maximum gap in data within a given scan,
fringe reference time offset, the name of the reference station, the
name of the file with indices of excluded visibilities, the name of
the file with indices of excluded observations, the name of the file
with indices of included observations, the bandpass use flag, the
bandpass file name, the bandpass correlation file name, the polarization
bandpass correlation file name; the phase calibration mask file, the
bandpass mask file, the type of an external interferometric model,
the directory with the interferometric model, the lower intermediate
frequency index, the intermediate frequency index, the frequency group
index, and polarization name.
Visibility data analysis involves a number of tasks.
SGDASS parses input files, forms various objects, sorts them, and creates
hash tables of indices. This operation is performed once, the index
tables are stored and later they are used for analysis. SGDASS neither
alters input visibility data nor re-formats them. At the second step
software loads external calibration information, such as system
temperature and antenna gain curves. Then SGDASS performs through checks
data self-consistency and flags those data points that fail checks,
for instance, the visibilities not-a-number or the frequency out of
range, or the cross-correlation points without corresponding
SGDASS splits the data into segments called scans using the built-in
algorithm that does not require external information. This process is
guided by several parameters in the control file. A portion of data for
a given scan at a given baseline is called observation. SGDASS creates
a list of scans, a list of observations, a list of observed sources,
a list of observing stations, and the list of epochs of observations.
Fringe fitting task determines group delay, phase delay, phase delay
rate, and optionally, phase acceleration or group delay rates from
a given observations. The problem of evaluating a group delay and
phase delay rate is strongly non-linear. Therefore, fringe fitting
is performed in two steps: coarse fitting and fine fitting. SGDASS
performs two types of calibration of visibility data: pre-fit
calibration and post-fit calibration. Pre-fit calibration is non-linear.
It includes phase calibration, amplitude calibration, and fringe rotated
for the contribution of the nonlinear correction to the a priori path
The core of the coarse fringe fitting procedure is the 2D Fourier
transform. The data are mapped into a regular grid padding unused grid
with nodes. Then the maximum of the visibility Fourier transform is
sought. The coordinates of the grid point of the maximum Fourier
transform of gridded visibility data provide coarse estimates of
phase delay, group delays, and phase delay rate. In the second step
coarse delays and rates are refined using one of the flavors of the
linear least square algorithm. The algorithm performs an additive and
multiplicative update of a priori weights based on fringe amplitude
to account for calibration errors in computation of uncertainties
of group delays and phase delay rates. During that step the amplitude
of the fringe phase noise is computed by sampling a large number of
constituents of the Fourier transform of visibilities filtered for
points with the signal from the observed source. Finally, post-fit
calibrations are applied, such as sampler correction, band and time
smearing calibration, and antenna beam calibration.
The parameters in control file that are specific to the visibility
data analysis are the name of the coarse search algorithm name,
the group delay search window central delay, the group delay search
window width, the phase delay rate search window central rate,
the phase delay rate search window width, the oversampling factor over
group delay, the oversampling factor over delay rate, the fringe fringe
search algorithm name, the autocorrelation threshold, the visibility
weight threshold, the signal to noise detection limit, and the
threshold of the normalized noise level for the outlier rejection.
The fringe fitting task has the ability to generate plots. The control
file defines the type of the fringe plot, its format, the delay window
width delay, the phase delay rate window width, the plotting oversampling
factors, the span of the delay resolution function, and the time and
frequency averaging factors.
The phase/amplitude response of the ideal data acquisition system to
the white noise has a \Pi-shape for the amplitude as function of
frequency and the frequency-independent offset for phase. In practice,
data acquisition system causes distortions with respect to the ideal
form that have to be calibrated. SGDASS provides the tools for
computation of the bandpass calibration from observations of strong radio
sources. This is done in three steps. At the first step an observations
with the strongest signal to noise ratio at each baseline with the
reference station is identified. The initial bandpass is computed by
inversion of time-averaged complex residual visibilities following by
smoothing either using smoothing B-spline or an expansion over Legendre
polynomials of the specified degree. This process is repeated for all
baselines with the reference station. At the second step this initial
bandpass is applied to a set of N observations with the strongest signal
to noise ratios, except the one that was used for computation of the
initial bandpass, and the time-averaged residual complex visibilities
are accumulated. The process is repeated for N observations of each
baseline with the reference station. The inverse of the accumulated
complex time-averaged visibilities divided by N forms the bandpass
correction to the initial bandpass. The sum of the initial bandpass and
the accumulated correction to the initial bandpass is the accumulated
bandpass. At the third step the accumulated bandpass is applied to M
observations at each baseline with the reference station, a system
of linear algebraic equations that related the residual amplitude and
phases to station-based bandpass corrections is formed. The least square
solution of this system of equations provides the fine bandpass. Then
SGDASS runs the procedure of outlier detections. And observations with
the highest residual is identified, and if the residuals exceeds the
specified threshold, then such an observation is excluded, and the
solution is updated. The process is repeated till either no processed
observation has a residual above the threshold, or the number of
remaining observations per baseline reaches the specified minimum.
The control file defines the following parameters for the task of
bandpass computation: the mode; the number of observations for bandpass
computation in the initial, accumulation and fine modes; the frequency
averaging factors in the initial, accumulation, and fine modes; the
maximum number of observations per baseline that can be dropped during
fine bandpass computation; the minimum signal to noise ratio in the
initial, accumulation and fine modes; the amplitude and phase rejection
factors; the names of bandpass interpolation methods; the degree of the
interpolation polynomial for phase and amplitude; the number of nodes
for smoothing; the minimum normalized amplitude; and the name of
the bandpass normalization method.
Nominally, antennas are supposed to record data only when they
point to a source. It is rather common that some data are recorded
when antenna is slewing and not pointed to a source. SGDASS
provides a utility for detection of this situation for flagging such
data. The utility checks every observation and computes the
frequency-averaged residual phase and amplitude over the subset of data
called a kernel that is assumed to not be affected. The kernel
interval defines two boundaries as a fraction of the scan length
for the good data interval. The utility computes group delays
and phase delay rates over the kernel interval, then applies
these group delay and phase delay rate data to each visibility
data outside the kernel interval. It first tries the interval
before the low boundary of the kernel interval in the backward
order. If it finds visibilities for K consecutive epochs
with frequency-averaged amplitude below the specify threshold,
it flags all these K visibilities as well as preceding visibilities.
Then it repeats these procedure for the interval beyond the
upper boundary. The threshold can be set either as a fraction
of the amplitude over the kernel interval or as factor of the
normalized amplitude root mean square computed over all
frequency averaged visibilities within the kernel interval
The control file defines the following parameters for the task of
detection of those visibilities that have been recorded when antennas
were off the source: the mode of the operation, the amplitude threshold,
the normalized residual threshold, the maximum coherency interval,
the minimal number of accumulation periods with low amplitude, and
the normalized start and normalized end time of the kernel interval.
a given radio source.
SGDASS software allows a user to compute time and frequency
averaged visibility data for further imaging analysis.
SGDASS collects all visibility data and processes them
scan by scan. It determines the list of subarrays and for
each subarray it solves for a station-based group delay,
phase delay rate, and group delay rate using baseline-based
group delays, phase delay rates, and group delay rates among
those observations that are not flagged. Then the visibilities
are phase rotated for accounting for the contribution of these
station-based delays and rates. The visibilities are calibrated
for antenna gains and for system temperature. Empirical gain
corrections are applied if they are available. The visibilities
with the signal to noise ratios below the specified threshold
are discarded. Then the calibrated and phase rotated
visibilities are averaged over time and frequency within the
specified number of time and frequency bins. The averaged
visibilities are sorted and written in FITS format in a form
that is compatible with third part software packages AIPS and
The control file defines the following parameters for the task of
generation of the time- and frequency- averaged visibilities:
the source name, the frequency averaging factor, the time averaging
factor, the weight type, polarization, the make of the subarray
consolidation algorithm, the gain correction file name, and the
signal to noise ratio threshold.
SGDASS provides a utility for computation of total group delays,
phase delay rates, and group delays in a form that is suitable
for geodetic and astrometric analysis. It computes the scan reference
time common for all observations of a given scan and recomputes
delays and rates from referred to the fringe reference time that is
specific for a given observation to the common scan reference time.
It also computes the theoretical path delay for all the observations
at the given scan reference time. Finally, it generates the output
data file in of the specified formats.
The control file defines the following parameters for the task of
generation of a database with group delays and other results of
fringe fitting: the database output format, the name of the algorithm
for computation of the scan reference time, the threshold for an
increase of group delay uncertainty due to the offset of the scan
reference time with respect to the fringe reference time, the VLBI
catalogue configuration file name, the name of the auxiliary
description file, and the database suffix.
SGDASS provides tools for processing auxiliary information captured
by the software that control ground radio telescopes. This includes
parsing log files in different formats, extraction of system
temperature, phase and amplitudes of phase calibration signals,
records of system equivalent flu density and clock differences
between formatter time and GPS time. It has an ability to clean
the data for outliers, average data over time and restore missing
data by extrapolating.
SGDASS provides a tool for scheduling VLBI observations. A VLBI
schedule consists of two parts: radio technical and astronomical.
The radio technical part defines commands for setting up hardware,
such as local oscillator frequencies, intermediate frequencies,
phase calibration frequencies, recording rate, firing amplitude
calibration, and similar commands. The astronomical part defines
the sequence of slewing to a source with specified coordinates,
execution of a pre-observation procedure, tracking the source
for specified time, and execution of a post-observation procedure.
The sequence is repeated.
The VLBI scheduling tool is controlled by the configuration file
that defines the experiment code; experiment description; schedule
revision number; name of the principle investigator; the scheduling
algorithm name; the names file file with the primary catalogue of
target sources; the secondary catalogue of target sources; the
catalogue of calibrating source; the experiment start time; the
experiment stop time; the gaps in the experiment; the default scan
time; the interval time between bursts of troposphere calibration;
the algorithm for scheduling troposphere calibrating sources; the
scan length of observation of calibrating sources; the minimum number
of stations in scans of calibrating source observations; the margin
of avoidance of 180 deg azimuth at beginning of an observation;
the minimum, maximum and normal number of scans for source;
the minimum and normal interval time between observations of the same
source; the maximum number of schedule sources; the planetary
ephemeride; the minimum distance to the Sun; the list of participating
stations; the name of the directory with station parameters; the name
of the file with a header; the name of VLBI hardware setups; the
observing mode name, the observing mode description, and names of
the output files.
Scheduling software parses a control file, parses the specified files
with source catalogues, and computes the time ranges for each source
when it is visible at every observing stations. Using this information,
scheduling checks for the nominal experiment start time of all the
sources that are above the specified elevation limits and computes the
score in accordance with the specified algorithm. A source with the
highest score is selected. Time for data recording and the maximum
slewing time to that sources among participating stations is accounted
for, the epoch of a new observation is set. The process is repeated till
the nominal experiment date is reached. The scoring algorithm considers
different factors for computation of the score that prioritize
observation of a given sources with respect to another. These factors
include history of prior observations of a given source in the scheduled
experiment and in the entire campaign; time elapsed from prior
observation of a given source; source declination; azimuth and elevation
of prior observations; slew time; the arc length between the source
of prior observation, and the source priority parameter. Scheduling of
the target source is interrupted over the specified interval time, and
the specified number of calibrator scans is inserted to the schedule.
The source observed in calibrating scans are selected in accordance with
the specified algorithm. That algorithm accounts for observations at
elevations above and below some threshold.
The sequence of scheduled sources is written in the output file together
with other relevant information that includes hardware setup.
The scientific layer of SGDASS relies on software that implements general
procedures of numerical methods. Some these procedures implement
numerical methods from scratches, some of them a form of middle-ware to
open source general purpose libraries that implement fast Fourier
transform (FFT), basic linear algebra (BLAS), or Linear Algebra Package
(LAPACK). Although the scientific layer is rather specific to processing
data of certain space geodesy technique, the numerical method layer
is more general and has its applicability beyond space geodesy.
SGDASS provides a highly optimized code that implements fast spherical
harmonics transformation, direct and inverse. It provides also routines
for computation of the value of a function using its spherical harmonic
transforms and partial derivatives over longitude and latitude, and
routines for computation of the power spectrum of spherical harmonics.
SGDASS provides routines for spherical harmonics transform evaluation
using least squares and fast routines for a direct and inverse spherical
harmonic transform on a regular latitude/longitude grid invoking Driscoll
and Healy (1994) sampling theorem. The routines utilizes OpenMP
parallelization. The routines do not lose accuracy at high degree/order.
For dimensions less than 2700 the algorithm of Holmes and Featherstone
(2002) is used. For dimensions higher than 2700 the algebra of X-number
introduced by Fukushima (2012) is used on order to avoid numerical
catastrophe at the polar regions related to the insufficient range of
double precision numbers. Spherical harmonics transform of degree/order
as high as 65535 is supported.
SGDASS provides a convenient interface to fast Fourier transform (FFT).
SGDASS provides code implementing digital filter in frequency domain.
A filter of this kind involves three operations: forward FFT,
multiplication the spectrum by a window function, backward FFT.
SGDASS provides routines for low-pass, high-pass, band-pass filters.
SGDASS heavily relies on a formalism of expansion over basic splines
(or B-splines). It provides highly optimized functions for computation
of B-spline value as well as first, second, and third derivatives;
B-spline integral, double integral, and triple integral; B-spline first
and second momentum; and B-spline of a sine and cosine constituents
of the Fourier transform at a given frequency. SGDASS also provides
routines for computation of the integral or a series of integrals over
the specified range using the B-spline coefficients or a matrix of
multiple B-spline expansions. SGDASS provides procedures for B-spline
computation in two cases: interpolating B-spline when the number of
coefficients is equal to the number of knots and smoothing B-spline
when the number of coefficients is less than the number of knots.
In a latter case B-spline coefficients are estimated using least squares.
SGDASS provides routines for solving this problem for a number of
commonly used cases: a case of stabilizing constraints imposed on the
value, or/and on the first or/and on second derivatives and a case of
estimation of B-spline and linear trend with imposing decorrelation
constraints. SGDASS provides routines for computation of interpolating
B-spline and smoothing B-spline for an one dimensional array,
a two-dimensional array, a three-dimensional array, or a four-dimensional
array. SGDASS provides routine of B-spline computation for single and
double precision. It also provides routines for computation of B-spline
of the 3rd degree and its derivatives with additional optimizations that
are achieved by manual loop unrolling.
SGDASS relies on the apparatus of polynomial approximation. It provides
routines for computation of Chebyschev and Legendre polynomials,
the first and second derivatives as well as integrals. It provides
routines for computation of expansion of a given function into the
polynomial basis using least squares with imposing constraints.
SGDASS provides routines for linear algebra that fall into two
categories. Routines of the first category provide a convenient
interface for Basic Linear Algebra (BLAS) and Linear Algebra
Package (LAPACK) that best serve the needs of space geodesy
data analysis. They include computation of multiplication of matrices,
multiplication of matrix and vectors, matrix inversion, eigenvector
decomposition, scattering and gathering sparse matrix, Cholesky
decomposition, solving linear equations that correspond to non-sparse
matrix, solving linear equations that corresponds to the band matrix
and related procedures. The routines of the second category implement
routines solving those linear algebra problems that are not present in
BLAS and LAPACK libraries. That includes highly efficient routine for
inversion of a square matrix in the upper triangular representation,
computation of condition numbers, recursive Cholesky decomposition,
recursive solution of linear equations, computation of products of
sparse matrix and sparse vectors in different representations, manually
inlined versions of matrix operations for small dimensions and related
SGDASS provides a number of routines for linear regression, with
and without weights and ability to automatically remove outliers and
for computation of the weighted root mean squares of residuals.
SGDASS provides a number of routines to transformation of time
and date according to various conventions used in astronomy.
That includes calendar date, Julian date, modified Julian date,
day of year, and Unix time.
SGDASS provides a number of routines for geodetic transformation:
transformation between Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates,
elliptical coordinates, local topocentirc coordinates, as well as
inverse transformations. It also includes routines for computation of
the local gravity acceleration and the height of the geoid above the
reference ellipsoid.
SGDASS provides a custom database handler tuned for processing geodetic
VLBI experiments. A database file contains both text information
related to the experiment description, logs of the pipeline procedures,
and a collection of one- and two-dimensional arrays with data.
A database file contains several sections. The provenance section
keeps the names of the input files that were used to create the database,
date of database creation, and history of updates. Text sections contain
plain ascii information organized in chapter. The tables of contents
define arrays, their type, scope, dimensions, and provide their a short
description. The data section keeps the data as set of records of
different length and different type. The address of a data record is
computed based in the table of contents.
The SGDASS database handler provides low level public routines that
implement basic operations of opening and closing the database file,
populating or inquiring the table of contents, and reading or writing
the data. The handler has also a number of internal routines for creation
and sorting hash tables, for computation of the record address, splitting
and concatenating buffers with text information and and similar routines.
The SGDASS database handler supports the same database contents in two
forms, binary and ascii. It provides utilities for a lossless
transformation between binary format to ascii and both. The SGDASS
database handler provides also procedures for ingestion of data in vgosdb
data from external servers that are required
for data analysis.
SGDASS implements procedures for the automatic retrievals of data from
external hosts for their consecutive processing. These data are the
output of numerical weather model, global ionospheric maps, and the
Earth orientation parameters. The routines maintain the local lists
of original or processed data, atomically query the contents of
remote servers, compare the lists, generate the list of datasets
that are present at remote servers, but are absent from the local
host, initiate data retrieval, check the integrity of the retrieved
data, and initiate a specified data analysis procedure for the
retrieved datasets. In addition, they checks the integrity of the local
repository with processed results, and it finds failures, it
automatically cleans damaged datasets and repeats retrieval. This
process is very robust and is designed to work in situations when
the local and/or remote server crushes and/or is rebooted.
SGDASS provides middleware routines to cfitsio software that
reads, writes, or updates data in FITS-format. This layer of
software facilitates supports of processing data in FITS-format.
These routines include retrieval of the list of keys, getting
and/or putting arrays with data, and provide interface to cfitsio
error messages.
SGDASS provides middleware interface to portable routines for the low
level input/output. That includes routines of searching files in
a directory tree, opening/closing files, reading writing
user-defined records, reading and writing big files.
DiaGI (Dialogue Graphic Interface) is a library of subroutines which
allows to draw a plot of one or several one-dimension functions
by using only one operator, then, if necessary, it interactively changes
boundaries of the plotting area, changes point style, line style,
line width, error bar style, allows to make a hard copy in PostScript or
GIF formats with or without sending it at the printing device, and
eventually it returns execution of the calling program. DiaGI makes work
with graphic as easy as possible and frees user from cumbersome graphic
programming. A user can put a short statement at any place of his or her
code, look at the plot, transform it, print it, and then continue execution
of the main program.
DiaGI may be called in two ways: with using a simplified interface and
wth using a verbose interface. The usage of the verbose interface assumes
filling fields of the data structure declaring initial parameters of the
plotting and addresses of the arrays of the arguments, values and errors
of the functions to be plotted. This way is not recommended for a routine
work unless special effects are needed. The simplified interface assumes
specifying only the number of points and arrays of the arguments,
values and, optionally, errors of the function to be plotted. Initial
values of boundaries of the plotting area, point style, line style, line
width, error bar style will be set up automatically in accordance with
defaults which can be changed by specifying environment variables.
If necessary, a user can easily change plotting parameters interactively.
DiaGI allows to re-define colors in order to adjust user preferences.
SGDASS provides tools for visualization of parameters defined on the
Earth's surface on the latitude-longitude grid. It also provides
tools for visualization of image data and calibrated visibilities
stored in FITS-IDI format.
SGDASS provides a set of routines that serve as a middleware between
the a process and the UNIX operating system. This eliminates a known
deficiency of UNIX operating system that provides access to system
calls only from C programming language. The middleware routines
implement this interface to other language. This includes access to
timer, processing system signals, socket level network interface,
probing an address, process sleep, low level terminal input/output,
getting information about a file, matching regular expressions,
setting stack size, and getting system parameters.
Copyright (c) 2010-2024 United States Government as represented by the
Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
All Rights Reserved.