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Releases: newrelic/go-agent

Release 3.37.0

26 Feb 19:11
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  • Implemented a new approach to integrating New Relic with SLOG that is more lightweight, out of the way, and collects richer data. These changes have been constructed to be completely backwards-compatible with v1 of nrslog. Changes include:
    • Wrapping slog.Handler objects with errors to allow users to handle invalid use cases
    • A complete rework of log enrichment so that New Relic linking metadata does not invalidate JSON, BSON, or YAML scanners. This new approach will instead inject the linking metadata as a key-value pair.
    • Complete support for With(), WithGroup(), and attributes for automatic instrumentation.
    • Performance operations.
    • Robust testing (close to 90% coverage).
    • This updates logcontext-v2/nrslog to v1.4.0.
  • Now custom application tags (labels) may be added to all forwarded log events.
    • Enabled if ConfigAppLogForwardingLabelsEnabled(true) or NEW_RELIC_APPLICATION_LOGGING_FORWARDING_LABELS_ENABLED=TRUE
    • May exclude labels named in ConfigAppLogForwardingLabelsExclude("label1","label2",...) or NEW_RELIC_APPLICATION_LOGGING_FORWARDING_LABELS_EXCLUDE="label1,label2,..."
    • Labels are defined via ConfigLabels(...) or NEW_RELIC_LABELS
  • Added memory allocation limit detection/response mechanism to facilitate calling custom functions to perform application-specific resource management functionality, report custom metrics or events, or take other appropriate actions, in response to rising heap memory size.


  • Added protection around transaction methods to gracefully return when the transaction object is nil.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.36.0

16 Jan 18:27
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  • Internal improvements to securityagent integration to better support trace handling and other support for security analysis of applications under test, now v1.3.4; affects the following other integrations:
    • nrecho, now v1.1.4
    • nrecho-v4, now v1.1.3
    • nrgin, now v1.3.3
    • nrgorilla, now v1.2.3
    • nrgraphqlgo, now v1.0.2
    • nrhttprouter, now v1.1.3


  • Added missing license files.
  • Fixed module dependencies in nrgrpc integration, now v1.4.5
  • Corrects handling of panic(nil) to no longer try to keep pre-Go-1.21 behavior but to allow newer language semantics for that condition. Fixes issue 975.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.35.1

24 Oct 18:40
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Hotfix Release

This release was developed to quickly patch an issue with the registration of the New Relic Security Agent.


  • Security Agent Bug Hotfix: Do not update the security agent unti the go agent has completed its connect process PR
  • Faster Trace ID generation

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.35.0

10 Oct 21:11
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  • Enhanced security features (adds support for secure cookie even reporting)
    • Enables sharing of response headers with the csec-security-agent.
  • Now uses error.Error() value for log attributes
  • nramqp integration cloud services entity relationship changes
    • Enhances url support for amqp server connections


  • nrawssdk-v2 integration examples of AppendMiddlewares corrected.
  • Zerolog integration correction to example program import statement.
  • Zerolog integration JSON parser bug caused a runtime panic in some circumstances.
  • Fixed handling of panic(nil). This was made necessary by changes introducted to Go as of 1.21.
  • A race condition was possible due to code level metrics accesses to a contended memory address.
  • Integer size issues flagged when converting unsigned to signed values.
  • Workflow corrections for CI processes in github.
  • Updated to use latest grpc and protobuf versions.
  • Fixes memory stat collection for GOOS=js.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.34.0

05 Aug 17:35
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  • logcontext-v2/nrlogrus can now collect user attributes
  • logcontext-v2/nrslog can now collect user attributes
  • use slog to manage Go agent logs with the new nrslog library
  • use zerolog go manage Go agent logs with the new nrzerolog library
  • support for RegisterTLSConfig in nrmysql


  • logcontext-v2/nrlogrus will still print user logs without isses if the Go agent has already been shut down.
  • switched protobuff to in modfile

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.33.1

02 Jul 22:00
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  • Increased max span events default limit to 2,000 to align with agent specifications
  • Added support for gRPC API endpoints and HTTP status codes in the nrsecurity integration
  • Added feature to detect route of an incoming request for all supported frameworks in the nrsecurity integration.
  • Updated support for latest New Relic Security Agent release.


  • Fixed an issue with nrzap attributes not properly being forwarded
  • Improved comments on nropenai
  • Fixed a minor bug relating to ExpectStatusCodes in app_run.go

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.33.0

01 May 19:05
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  • Support for Zap Field Attributes
  • Updated dependency on csec-go-agent in nrsecurityagent


  • Fixed an issue where running containers on AWS would falsely flag Azure Utilization
  • Fixed a typo with nrecho-v3
  • Changed nrslog example to use a context driven handler

These changes increment the affected integration package version numbers to:

  • nrsecurityagent v1.3.1
  • nrecho-v3 v1.1.1
  • logcontext-v2/nrslog v1.2.0
  • logcontext-v2/nrzap v1.2.0

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.32.0

04 Apr 20:06
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  • Updates to support for the New Relic security agent to report API endpoints.
    • Adds new wrapper function for the nrecho, nrgin, and nrgorilla integrations.
  • Handler to take New Relic transaction data from context automatically when using nrslog integration (thanks, @adomaskizogian!)


  • Adds missing license file to the nropenai integration.
  • Changes *bedrockruntime.Client parameters in nrawsbedrock integration to use a more general interface type, allowing the use of custom types which extend the bedrock client type.
  • Fixes pgx5 pool example
  • Updated unit tests to check Transaction.Ignore
  • Updated nrzap unit tests to add background logger sugared test case.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.31.0

27 Mar 20:08
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  • Integration packages to instrument AI model invocations (see below).
    • New package nrawsbedrock v1.0.0 introduced to instrument calls to Amazon Bedrock Runtime Client API InvokeModel and InvokeModelWithResponseStream calls. Also provides a simple one-step method which invokes stream invocations and harvests the response stream data for you.
    • New package nropenai v1.0.0 introduced to instrument calls to OpenAI using NRCreateChatCompletion, NRCreateChatCompletionStream, and NRCreateEmbedding calls.
    • Dockerfile in the examples/server sample app which facilitates the easy creation of a containerized ready-to-run sample app for situations where that makes testing easier.


  • .Ignore was not ignoring transaction. Fixes Issue #845.
  • Added nil error check in wrap function. Fixes Issue #862.
  • WrapBackgroundCore background logger was not sending logs to New Relic. Fixes Issue #859.
  • Corrected pgx5 integration example which caused a race condition. Thanks to @WillAbides! Fixes Issue #855.
  • Updated third-party library versions due to reported security or other supportability issues:
    • to 5.5.4 in nrpgx5 integration
    • to 1.33.0 in nrmicro and nrgrpc integrations
    • to 4.18.2 in nrpgx integration

AI Monitoring Configuration

New configuration options are available specific to AI monitoring. These settings include:

  • AIMonitoring.Enabled, configured via ConfigAIMonitoring.Enabled(bool) [default false]
  • AIMonitoring.Streaming.Enabled, configured via ConfigAIMonitoringStreamingEnabled(bool) [default true]
  • AIMonitoring.Content.Enabled, configured via ConfigAIMonitoringContentEnabled(bool) [default true]

AI Monitoring Public API Methods

Two new AI monitoring related public API methods have been added, as methods of the newrelic.Application value returned by newrelic.NewApplication:

AI Monitoring

New Relic AI monitoring is the industry’s first APM solution that provides end-to-end visibility for AI Large Language Model (LLM) applications. It enables end-to-end visibility into the key components of an AI LLM application. With AI monitoring, users can monitor, alert, and debug AI-powered applications for reliability, latency, performance, security and cost. AI monitoring also enables AI/LLM specific insights (metrics, events, logs and traces) which can easily integrate to build advanced guardrails for enterprise security, privacy and compliance.

AI monitoring offers custom-built insights and tracing for the complete lifecycle of an LLM’s prompts and responses, from raw user input to repaired/polished responses. AI monitoring provides built-in integrations with popular LLMs and components of the AI development stack. This release provides instrumentation for OpenAI
and Bedrock.

When AI monitoring is enabled with ConfigAIMonitoringEnabled(true), the agent will now capture AI LLM related data. This data will be visible under a new APM tab called AI Responses. See our AI Monitoring documentation for more details.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.

Release 3.30.0

15 Feb 20:32
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  • Updated the depencency on nrsecurityagent to 1.0.0.
  • Added new integration, logcontext-v2/nrslog, which instruments logging via the new slog library.


  • Redacts license keys from error reporting.

Support statement

We use the latest version of the Go language. At minimum, you should be using no version of Go older than what is supported by the Go team themselves.
See the Go agent EOL Policy for details about supported versions of the Go agent and third-party components.