AWS recently launched vulnerability scans which is a great addition but totally lacks any GUI to review results.
The goal of this repository is to provide an automation for:
- Enabling scan-on-push feature for all repositories in your ECR
- Launching on demand scans for latest uploaded images on all repositories
- Retrieving results and sending them via filebeat to ElasticSearch cluster for review
- jq
- elasticsearch
- filebeat
- aws console
- aws creds set in ~/.aws/credentials file
Change REGION variable according to your AWS region
Run scripts:
- to enable ScanOnPush setting for all ECR repositories in a respective
- to run scan on demand for latest uploaded images in all ECR
- to retrieve image scan results for latest uploaded images in all ECR repositories and put them in result.json file
Download Elasticsearch and Kibana from You will need version 7 or above.
Install filebeat and use example config section from
to get logs shipped to ElasticSearch. -
You will need an ElasticSearch ingest pipeline to convert UNIX timestamp in
fields to human-readable format. Use ingest-pipeline file for reference.
You can schedule all three scripts to run on a regular basis via crontab to always get the latest vulnerability state. Please do keep in mind that AWS puts limitations (currently one on demand scan per image per 24h).