Compatible with Ubuntu, Red Hat, OSX and Cygwin.
git clone
cd $HOME
for f in .colordiffrc .gemrc .gitconfig .inputrc .irbrc .minttyrc .pythonrc .screenrc .tmux.conf .vimrc; do [ -e $f ] && echo "Backing up $f" && mv $f{,.bak}; ln -s $BASHRC_DIR/$f; done
echo "source $BASHRC_DIR/.bashrc" >> .bashrc
Any .bashrc_* file in $BASHRC_DIR will be sourced.
Optionally you may need to add the following in ~/.profile
(and maybe create this file),
but beware that this once broke the session start step and got me stuck on the login screen with a CentOS VM:
exec /bin/bash
To use screen, create an empty ~/.use_screen file. Similarly, you can create ~/.use_tmux.
The .zshrc file is here to invoke bash even if zsh is the default shell.
Finally, the .bashrc_*
files rely on the existence of /c
, /d
, etc.
As admin, execute the following to create those symlinks:
cd /
ln -s /cygdrive/c
ln -s /cygdrive/d
ln -s /cygdrive/e
Install Yelp pre-commit hooks and then :
pre-commit install
Keep it separate from your git configuration by putting it in a file named .gitconfig_user, in $BASHRC_DIR
name = ...
email = ...
If such file exists, it will be sourced from the main .gitconfig.
I love to work as a pair to solve algorithmic/maths problems :)
So if you know me, do not hesitate to suggest we work on one of those problems together!
I used to store my solutions to those problems here, but following the Project Euler policy, I moved them to a private Gitlab repository in order for them not to be public.