CLI used to create github releases on the basis of the version number
yarn add release-github
npm install --save release-github
In cli
$release-github --release-version <version> --repo <repo> --owner <owner>
As a module
const release = require("release-github"); // As a promise release({ releaseVersion: "<version>", repo: "<repo>" owner: "<owner>" }) .then(console.log) .catch(console.error); // Using async/await await release({ releaseVersion: "<version>", repo: "<repo>", owner: "<owner>" });
$ release-github <options>
--release-version Version for the new release (required)
--repo, -r Will be the repository on which the release will be created (required)
--owner, -o Owner of the repo, anyone who has push permissions to the github-repo (required)
--token, -t Github secret token of the user
--create-release Github will create the release only if secret token is present.
--show-url Will give the url of the release.
--pre-filled-release Show a pre-filled form (secret token not required)
--commit-id Commit id from which the new release should run
- Clone the repo -
git clone
cd release-github
- Install all the dependencies -
- Start the cli app -
yarn cli