Tygenie is a terminal user interface used to handle Opsgenie alerts
Initially created to test textual python framework it became day after day a complete and powerful tool to handle alerts on a daily basis at OVH
- Features
- Screenshots
- Requirements
- Compatibility
- Limitations
- Installation
- Start the application
- Configuration
- Sample config
- Plugin
- Opsgenie API / OpenAPI / python-client
- Related links
- License
- list alerts by pages
- display details / description / tags / notes
- display current on-call user
- create your own display filter with your own key bindings to display specific alerts
- ack / unack alert
- tag / untag alert / custom tag
- add note
- automatic and manual refresh
- open alert in web browser
- In-app settings editor
- Alerts list might be customized by a plugin
- Alert details / description might be customised by a plugin
In-app settings editor:
- python >= 3.11
- Tested/used on GNU/Linux and MacOS
Desktop notification might not work on MacOS as the application needs to be signed it depends how you installed python (eg using homebrew won't work)
To select/past text in the application depending the terminal you are using use the following key:
- iTerm Hold the OPTION key.
- Gnome Terminal Hold the SHIFT key.
- Windows Terminal Hold the SHIFT key.
Please refer to textual FAQ
Each release of Tygenie is published on pypi so simply do a pip install
pip install tygenie
Or by using directly code from Github repository with pipx/uv
pipx install git+https://github.com/ovh/tygenie.git
uv tool install git+https://github.com/ovh/tygenie.git
Or you might specify a custom configuration file
$ tygenie --help
usage: tygenie [-h] [--config CONFIG]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
// Opsgenie configuration part
opsgenie: {
api_key: "", // Your Opsgenie integration API key
username: "", // Your Opsgenie username
host: "https://api.eu.opsgenie.com", // Opsgenie API endpoint
webapp_url: "https://app.eu.opsgenie.com", // The Web URL to access Opsgenie from your web browser
on_call_schedule_ids: [],
// Tygenie configuration part
tygenie: {
refresh_period: 60, // Number of seconds between 2 automatic refresh (min 60s)
open_detail_alert_on_enter: false, // If you don't want tygenie to automatically load alert details set it to true and press enter to get the details
log: {
enable: false, // Will enable API logging
file: "/tmp/tygenie.log", // Path where the log will be written
desktop_notification: {
enable: true, // To enable desktop notification when new alerts are detected set it to true
urgency: "Critical", // Urgency level: can be Critical, Normal, Low
when_on_call_only: false, // When enable is true will send notification only when you are on call
alert_details: {
default_tab: "description", // Default tab displayed when loading alert details, values might be: RAW, tags, details, description
alerts: {
date_format: "%d/%m %H:%M", // Date format
sort: "updatedAt", // Field used to sort alerts when doing API call
limit: 20, // Number of alerts to display
display_page_by_priority: false, // To sort by priority set it to true
note_on_ack: {
enable: false, // To automatically add a note when acking an alert set it to true
message: "Alert has been acknowledged using Tygenie", // Note to be added
note_on_unack: {
enable: false, // To automatically add a note when unacking an alert set it to true
message: "Alert has been unacknowledged using Tygenie", // Note to be added
note_on_close: {
enable: false, // To automatically add a note when closing an alert set it to true
message: "Alert has been closed using Tygenie", // Note to be added
note_on_tag: {
enable: false, // To automatically add a note when adding a tag on alert set it to true
message: "Tag '{tag}' has been added using Tygenie", // Note to be added, you might use '{tag}' notation to add the value of the tag in the note
note_on_untag: {
enable: false, // To automatically add a note when removing a tag on alert set it to true
message: "Tag '{tag}' has been removed using Tygenie", // Note to be added, you might use '{tag}' notation to add the value of the tag in the note
keybindings: {
// Keybindings for each actions
ack: "a", // to ack an alert
unack: "U", // to unack an alert
close: "c", // to close an alert
tag: "t", // to tag an alert
untag: "T", // to untag an alert
refresh: "r", // to manually refresh alert list
next_page: "right", // load next page (will also work with page down, G, down key on last alert)
previous_page: "left", // load previous page (will also work with page up, g, up key on first alert)
open_in_webbrowser: "ctrl+w", // to open the selected alert in your default web browser
focus_on_alerts_list: "f5", // to get focus on alert list
plugins: {
alert_formatter: null, // plugin name to use to display alert list (you might customize columns, messages, ... check plugin part)
content_transformer: null, // plugin name to use to that allow you to parse alert detail and customize the rendered markdown
default_tag: "XXXXX", // default tag to apply to an alert
default_filter: "opened", // default defined filter to use hen starting the application
filters: {
// define your query filters here
mine: {
// mine filter will display the alert you are the owner of when using 'm' key
key: "m",
filter: "owner:<your username>",
description: "Mine",
opened: {
key: "o", // opened filter will display opened alerts only when using key 'o'
filter: "status:open",
description: "Opened",
all: {
key: "A", // All filter, will display all the alerts
filter: "",
description: "All",
When starting the application for the first time you will be bring on the Settings screen which allow you to set your Opsgenie API key, username and other related information.
A sample config file is available here
Tygenie supports two type of customisation:
Columns displayed in alerts (add/remove/rename) and content of each row (content is passed to a parser you might override)
Content of alert description is also passed to parser and you might parse the content to change it before being displayed in Markdown
- In plugin directory add a directory with the name of your plugin, let's say 'Bob'
- Depending what you want to customise:
- the alert list: add a file in Bob directory called 'alerts_list_formatter.py'
- content of alert description: add a file in Bob directory called 'alert_description_formatter.py'
In file 'Bob/alerts_list_formatter.py'
from rich.text import Text
from tygenie.alerts_list.formatter import BaseFormatter
# The class name must be the same as the plugin name
class Bob(BaseFormatter):
# map method of the class with a column name
# the dict is ordered so it will be displayed as it is declared
# all the fields returned by the API are available by default
displayed_fields = {
"created_at": "Created",
"status": "Status",
"priority": "Priority",
"region": "Region", # Custom field
"message": "Message",
"owner": "Owner",
"closed_by": "Closed by",
# Let's add a custom field that we compute from the message
# And return a rich Text object which allow us to customise the style
def region(self, value) -> Text:
m = re.match(r"^\[([^\[]+)\].*$", self.to_format["message"])
region = ""
if m and m.groups():
region = m.group(1)
return Text(region, style="#ffcf56")
# Remove the region from the message as region is now a new column
# And limit the length to 100 characters
# And return a rich Text object with default style
def message(self, value) -> Text:
value = re.sub(r"^\[([^\[]+)\]\s*\:?\s*", "", value)
if len(value) > 100:
value = value[0:100] + "..."
return Text(str(value))
Now the alert list has a new column called Region and the message does not contain any more the region string.
Alert list with plugin
In file 'Bob/description_alert_formatter.py'
The alert description content might be customised in 2 steps:
- before the content has been passed to Markdown processor, useful to sanitize content
- after the content has been passed to Markdown processor, useful to customize output (create clickable links)
The plugin should inherit from tygenie.alert_details.description_formatter.BaseContentFormatter
This class expose an execution_order dictionary {"pre": [], "post": []} which allow you to pass a list of methods that will be called respecting the order you list them
The only thing you have to to is implement your custom method and list them in the execution_order dictionary
import re
from tygenie.alert_details.description_formatter import BaseContentFormatter
class Bob(BaseContentFormatter):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.execution_order["pre"] = [
self.execution_order["post"] = [
# pre_substitute_* is a special form of method name that does the substitute for you
# Just return a dict {"regexp": r"your regexp to match", "sub": r"the substitution"}
def pre_substitute_cariage_return_to_htmlttag(self):
return {"regexp": r"\r?\n", "sub": "<br>"}
# Let's say your description return a list of ids you can easily find "#12345 #6789"
# You would like to be able to click on that id to open a custom web interface that gives details on that id
# And we want to do it after markdown processing
def post_custom_generate_url_by_id(self):
ids = re.findall( r"#(\d+)", self.content)
url_base = 'https://www.corporate.com/mytool/details?id={id}'
for id in set(ids):
url = url_base.format(id=id)
self.content = re.sub(
f'#{id}', f"[#{id}]({url})", self.content
Edit the settings file then go to the plugins json key:
"tygenie": {
"plugins": {
"alerts_list_formatter": "Bob",
"alert_description_formatter": "Bob"
The current Opsgenie API python SDK does not implement the full API and the available swagger.json file is not a Swagger 2.0 compliant file.
A fork of opsgenie-oas repository had been done by Github user bougar which contains a compliant Swagger 2.0 files. This file has been used to generate the Opsgenie client API consumer used in Tygenie.
The swagger file has been converted to openapi 3.0 and consumed by openapi-python-client
- Contribute: https://github.com/ovh/tygenie/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
- Report bugs: https://github.com/ovh/tygenie/issues
See https://github.com/ovh/tygenie/blob/master/LICENSE