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Developer Portal

In this repository you can find anything you need to work on the developer portal project.


Local development

Before you start, make sure you have complete the following steps:

# install dependencies
npm i

Download the static documentation that come from GitBook. It may take a while.

You have 2 ways of accomplish it, the first one consists in downloading the whole docs as zip, using

npm run download-docs -w nextjs-website

Or you can initialize a git submodule on .tmp-docs directory:

git submodule add --force apps/nextjs-website/.tmp-docs

and then run the script to checkout docs to the right branch

npm run update-docs -w nextjs-website

Update documentation

You can update the doc by downloading it again or, if you chose the submodule way, by running again the update command:

npm run update-docs -w nextjs-website


  • in the nextjs-website app (apps/nextjs-websites), create a .env.local starting from .env.default and fill all the environment variables.
  • in the strapi-cms app (apps/strapi-cms), create a .env starting from .env.default and fill all the environment variables.

In order to get the Strapi API token needed in the .env.local:

Populate strapi cms

In order to start with a populated strapi database, run the following command:

npx strapi transfer --from --from-token <strapi_token>

The strapi token can be recovered by a mantainer with admin access to the production cms

Give that SQLite is used for local developement, this transfer will require the following lines to be added to apps/strapi-cms/config/database.ts inside the sqlite object:

      pool: {
        min: 2,
        max: 20,
        acquireTimeoutMillis: 300000,
        createTimeoutMillis: 300000,
        destroyTimeoutMillis: 300000,
        idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
        createRetryIntervalMillis: 2000
      debug: false,

Important: remember to remove these lines after the transfer, before launching Strapi.

Run the developer portal locally

Run the following command from the root folder.

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the website.

Open http://localhost:1337/admin/ with your browser to see the CMS website.

Run test locally

Run the following command from the root folder.

npm run test

or run the following command to execute test of single workspace

npm run test -w <workspace>

or run the following command to keep watching changes while updating code or test

npm run test -w <workspace> -- --watch

Enable the chatbot for local developement

In the nextjs-website app (apps/nextjs-websites) add (or update if already present) the following lines:


Commands Cheat Sheet


For more information check npm CLI workspace documentation.

Run commands

Run the chosen command in each workspace.

npm run <command> --workspaces

Run the chosen command on workspace <workspace>.

npm -w <workspace> run <command>

Manage dependencies

Add to the root the dependency <dependency>.

npm install <dependency>

Add to the package <package> the dependency <dependency> as devDependencies.

npm -w <package> install <dependency> -D


To access the Storybook and view the available React components, follow these instructions:

npm run storybook

and you will get a message like this:

│                                                    │
│   Storybook 7.6.17 for nextjs started              │
│   584 ms for manager and 17 s for preview          │
│                                                    │
│    Local:            http://localhost:6006/        │
│                                                    │

Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the result.


This project utilizes changesets to generate the changelog. Here's how you can use it:

  1. Adding Changelog Information: to add entries to the changelog, execute npx changeset or npm run changeset.
    This will initiate a wizard that guides you through the process.

  2. Defining the Change Type: the wizard will ask you to specify the type of changes made (major, minor, patch).
    The summary you provide here will be added to the file. Follow the semver specification in order to choose the proper type of change.

  3. Generating the Changelog: the Changelog workflow uses the changeset's action to convert the changes tracked with npm run changeset into a file.

  4. Creating a Pull Request: after generating the changelog, the workflow will create a PR with the proposed changes, which include version bumping and updating the file.

  5. Updating the PR: if additional changes are made while the PR is open, the changeset's bot will automatically update the PR based on the changes in the .changeset folder.